Thursday, May 25, 2023

Why did You Have to Die? Mission Week 8, Ponta Grossa, Brasil; Area: 31 Marco

Sorry for no update email last week or the week before.  Here in Brasil the missionaries only have one phone between the two, we do not have access to computers, so we share the phone and I type everything on the little phone; my emails and this blog-post that I send to my dad are this way.  As a missionary I am only able to write letters and emails on Mondays, these are our prepartion days (P-Day) 

The past few weeks, well, I had a funny and crazy time which I'll explain.

The week of Monday, May 8 went something like this...basically the two most exciting things that happened is that we helped an investigator build part of his bathroom and we have two kids that are working their way to baptism.

The kids are great and have been going to church for the past 3 weeks but had never been taught by the missionaries before, we were able to speak with their mothers and they are glad that we can teach the kids more about Christ and his Gospel. 

I confirmed Matheus, the boy we just baptized, this past Sunday; it was a wonderful experience.

Also got my first haircut on the mission.  Photo to follow

This week has been crazy, hot, and let me say I have never been more grateful for clouds than this week. I remember one day the sun was beating down on us and when we stopped to to eat lunch we prayed for the day to cool down. After about 30 minutes of more walking in the searing sun the sky was covered in clouds and it cooled off drastically. The blessing of prayer.

Last week was a very busy week. We spent the majority in the Invasão meeting families and talking with a few investigators. There is a lady in the bairro who sells cologne.  We stopped by to check it out, she happens to be an aunt of a church member.  We invited her to come to church.  The cologne is Brasilian made Boticario.  Now I smell good at church on Sundays.

We had two separate ward council meetings (since we take care of two wards) and the meetings consist of the Bishop and the leaders of each church organization, that includes us as we are the missionaries for the wards. We did not expect it to last 2 hours! So a total of 4 hours in meetings that week when we normally use that time for walking and talking with people. It was good though because we were able to plan out how we could help members and recent converts with anything that they needed. 

Also I got BITby a DOG no biggie. I'm fine, don't worry. Nothing serious.

I don't remember if I already explained this, but we found a new shortcut to get to the Invasão from the 31 de Março area. Originally we would have to walk up and over to the Invasão using the roads and waiting on cars which took us about 35-50 minutes. Now we cut through a large field and walk along the train tracks which makes that walk now about 20 minutes shorter. 

The first time we took the new path it was 8:30 pm, we were walking down the field onto the tracks and we didnt realize it at first but a train was coming. We realized when we heard the ear-piercing horn and we both started sprinting, but again we failed to realize it was headed towards us and not behind us. We were running at the train!  We safely got out of the way but had to wait a bit for it to pass. It is now our favorite crossing point and we basically have the time that the trains pass memorized.

One of the best things that happened this week was in a mercado. We had stopped there so that my companion could use the restroom. Once we entered he asked one of the workers where the bathroom was located and they just pointed to the back. Elder Blackburn went towards the back, not knowing where to go. He then saw the exit sign so he decided to go through. He was then more confused when he saw a pitch black hallway but he continued until he located the bathroom. Now Elder Blackburn had a hard time finding the light switch in the bathroom and as he let his eyes adjust he was able to find the light switch on the top corner of the bathroom. Elder Blackburn then located the door and used the restroom. After he was done, he noticed that the door was jammed so he used all of his force to open the door. He turned off the light and went out. Once Elder Blackburn got back I had the sudden urge to use the restroom as well. I did not know where the restroom was and I tried to get my compaion's attention to ask him but he was just concentrated in staring off in the distance to even acknowledge that I was in need of assistance. I then came to the conclusion that I would have to find it myself. I found the exit door and went through it to also find a dark hallway. I was also confused that I could not even locate the light switch in the bathroom so then I thought it would be wise to locate the light switch in the hallway which I was able to find. Then I found the light switch in the bathroom which was located super high dangling from a string in the corner of the bathroom. After I had used the bathroom, I tried to open the door to get out but the door knob dissembled in my hands, and the other door knob on the otherside fell to the ground. I soon came to realize that I was locked in the bathroom. In my mind I started to panic because I had no way to contact my compaion and no one could hear me. I then said a small prayer and started to look around my surroundings. I then found a small key that I was able to fit into the keyhole of the door and I yanked the door open with all my force and it finally opened. I grabbed both door knobs that had fallen to the ground and attached them back on to dispose of the evience. When I returned to my compaion he told me that he thought I had been in the bathroom for a while and then I asked him if he had any troubles opening the door. Elder Blackburn told me that he had no problems except for when the door was jammed and then he pulled really hard on the door knob to open it that the door knob had fallen off into his hands so just just kind of put it back. I then told him that he was the one that had broken the door knobs and that I got locked in the bathroom because of him and he didn't even think to come find me stuck in such a place! 

Then came the funniest and worst day...THE DAY IT DIED! It's hard to deal with such a loss especially one as important as this one was. It has always been so good to us. It always blessed us with its presence and assisted our ability to have good food. It was a sad day last Monday when it exhaled its last breath in the face of Elder Blackburn. It was that day we said goodbye to our fridge. 

Monday (P-Day) morning we opened the freezer and saw it full of ice. We at the time did the only LOGICAL thing... we took a screwdriver and a hammer and began to surgically remove the ice. We had done this many times before and felt skilled with the pick, but alas when the great Elder Blackburn picked up the hammer the unthinkable occurred. There was an edge that he could not see and as he tapped near the bottom of the freezer there was a sudden plume of white air as the screwdriver pierced a coil and all the Freeon escaped. We laughed at first and then that laughter faded as the realization hit us. Now here we are a week later and still no fridge. It has truly been a difficult week.

In all seriousness, it hasn't been that hard, but man when you don't have a fridge to keep stuff cold it's definitely strange and hinders your ability to buy certain foods. Yeah that happened, but we made pizza and wings that day so I am not complaining too much.

That same day we went to Curitiba for a new missionary training thing where we were able to ask our mission president questions about anything. All 6 missionaries from Ponta Grossa piled in a bus, traveled to Curitiba, and slept in a small apartment that night which was interesting and fun. The following day we returned to our area after the meeting and immediately went right back to work.

This week has been pretty fast actually and I don't know why. The past two days I've just felt exhausted at night when I got home. Also, mosquitoes are sick here and they are evil.  They don't bite all day,  but in the middle of the night they come out with a vengance and bite me on my hands and thighs. On top of that it hasn't rained once the entire time I've been on my mission, and it's just now dropping to 9 Celsius here as winter moves in.

I was blessed to have been able to work with another elder for a day. Elder Gull has been on his mission for a year now and as we were working we met so many people and had 5 invites to baptism which is crazy. We also had a great expierence where we met a lady from Venezuela and neither of us spoke Spanish. However,I was able to understand her, mostly. I called a member of our ward who is also from Venezuela and with his assistance I was able to leave a really nice message and she is excited to go to church with us next Sunday.

On another day we were in the Invasão teaching a boy who is preparing to be baptized when a man approached me. He touched my arm and told me that when we saw us he knew he had to talk to us to help him quit drinking and smoking so he could be happier and get baptized. I was astounded by this because I had never seen that man in my life and for him to just come to us and tell us was an answer to our prayers. I ended up talking with him and teaching a mini lesson as Elder Blackburn finished up teaching the boy. After we talked with him more and he took us to his house where many times he asked for help and said that he knew we were sent and protected by the Lord. It was a crazy thing to happen that we never thought would.

Lastly, I want to thank my cousin (prima) Sandra Dantas for the box of goodies, they came at the right time.
Obrigado Sandra pela caixa, chegou na hora certa!

I think that is it for this week. I have some pictures as well for you all. 

Elder Hyatt

                                  Me on a tiny chair in the invasão pretending to meditate after teaching a lesson.

Elder Gull and I going through the field

Us with the family of Laedena and Lucimara.

Bus trip to Curitiba for the missionary training day

We were able to participate in an English class and talk with people trying to learn English. It was a fun time and they gave us chocolate after.

Teaching English class

Us just out doing what we do

Us eating lentils and a whole fried fish which was good

As we were leaving a members house I was closing the door and one of the bars broke off as I was pulling it shut. 

1 comment:

5...Seguirei; March 3, 2025; 1st Assistant to the President, Brasil Curitiba Mission

  Welp another week has passed and lets get into this one. Tuesday: Uberaba We went to Uberaba with Elder Reid and Elder Soto, well we actua...