Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Finally! There is Rain!; Mission Week 9 ; Area: 31 de Março, Ponta Grossa, PR, Brasil

This week was the end of my first transfer and man I'm just happy it has rained. It was 6 weeks of no rain till 3 days ago and it's been off and on since and it's great. I never thought I'd actually miss the rain as much as I did.

I want to talk briefly about what occurred for those who may or may not know. Friday morning, May 26th, all the missionaries from Ponta Grossa and Tibagi went to Curitiba to go to the temple. There I shook hands with Elder Card and briefly spoke with him. We all got back to Ponta Grossa about 1:30 pm when Elder Card and 3 other missionaries got onto another bus to go back to Tibagi. It was on that bus that Elder Card passed away. The bus that they were on was hit by a large truck carrying wood, one of the logs went through a window and killed Elder Card.  He was the only one that died on that day, another passenger survived only a few days but has since passed. It is a sad thing that occured, and I'm grateful for all the prayers that everyone has been giving. A few moments ago President Bikman called us to check up on my companion Elder Blackburn since he was in the MTC with Elder Card. It was then we were informed that Elder Card's family is doing well. They are sad but they have had many strong blessings in their life since and they have informed us that they will be fine. It was nice to know the mission president cares about all of us to go out of his way to call each missionary who knew Elder Card and to make sure they are doing well. We are all very sad with his passing but we know that our Heavenly Father has a plan for him on the other side of the veil and that he and his family will meet again and be together forever in the eternities.

To leave that sad note behind us this past week flew by as we were working with all the people who were interested in the church. There isnt too much to say about all that because each story would be so much writing and this P-day is just flying by as well. I even asked Elder Blackburn and we both kinda agreed that this week was a little bland on interesting things to talk about. Which is actually sad.

In the past 6 weeks I have read the following books in English: Doctrines of Salvation Volume 1 and Volume 2; The Great Apostasy.  Of course, I am reading the Book of Mormon and the Bible each day.

I think I’ve read more in these past 6 weeks than I did in my whole life before the mission. 😅

I was asked by Irmã Chris to help teach the Plan of Salvation to her seminary class.  It’s kinda good that I read Doctrines of Salvation because the first volume explains the Plan of Salvation in great detail.  I was lucky to have had a gift that my sister gave me before the mission, it is wooden pieces that show the Plan of Salvation - she found it in Português, that really helped.  I have actually used that a lot since being here.

Anyway that's really all for this week.

Descriptions of the photos:

1. This was a sign that we randomly came across and decided to take a picture.
2. As we were walking through the field I almost stepped on this baby bird. We eventually walked it back to the parents who were looking for it.
3+4. Someone was burning a field and it was massive;  as we were walking Elder Blackburn took a few pictures of me.
5. The Jardim Florença seminary class that I taught the Plan of Salvation to. That was really fun and Irmã Chris has all the pictures and videos from that.

Elder Hyatt

1 comment:

  1. We are praying for you and your mission.🩷


5...Seguirei; March 3, 2025; 1st Assistant to the President, Brasil Curitiba Mission

  Welp another week has passed and lets get into this one. Tuesday: Uberaba We went to Uberaba with Elder Reid and Elder Soto, well we actua...