Saturday, October 5, 2024

New Horizons; Mission Weeks about 75-80; Area: Curitiba Center

 Hello all! I'm happy to inform you that another transfer has flown by and again I had to pack my bags and leave. It was sad to leave such a great area with some amazing people and members. I will miss them greatly.

 I am now in the dead center of the great city of Curitiba! My new area: Ala 4. My new assignment: Assistant to the President. 

Yep, yesterday as we were running around sweating in the hot and humid weather of Colombo we got a call from President Bikman who gave me the news that I would be the new assistant. I cannot lie, it shocked me, but what do you do ya know? So the rest of the day we were helping people get baptized in other areas and then we finally returned to our area where Irmã Fernanda and her son Mihael gave us cards and then cake. Afterwards we also got more cake from Irmã Eliane which was also great! I ended up getting transferred last night which was fun and exhausting. I also had the opportunity to take the old Assistant to the airport and watch him return home. It was weird watching him go and realizing that here in a few months I too will be stepping on a plane home. Anyway, on my first day we just had to take care of transfers and make sure everyone got home safely with all their stuff. Then when everyone finally left, I was able to have peace and had time to return to the apartment and take a 30 minute nap. I truly needed one.

One miracle that happened this week was that Irmã Juliana, the mom of the American boys, was baptized Saturday! It was so cool to watch and to be there because President Bikman baptized her and it was such a special moment for her. After her baptism, she send us a message asking if there was anyway we would be able to help her friend, who lives far away, go to church. Of course I jumped to the front and started working on getting in contact with the missionaries. As I was talking with her and her friend I came to realize that Raissa lives in Sweden!! That's so cool! I was able to get all her information and was able to confirm her for church with the help of my secretary buddy Elder Cutler. (Side note: Elder Cutler and I are roommates now kkkk). We are praying that all goes well for her and her family!

Anyway there is more that has happened, but I am super tired to write or remember right now. Next week will be way better.

Elder Hyatt 

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Mission Hobo; Mission week? 4th week as AP (Sept 30, 2024); Area: Curitiba Centro

  CHAMA! What's good y'all? Welcome back to another email from Elder Hyatt! Man these past weeks have been so crazy!!!! I gotta tell...