Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Trading Assistants (5/6/2024); Mission Week 58; Area: Almirante Tamandare

 Welp it's that time again…transfers. I'm staying here in Tamandaré, but it's interesting what's gonna happen. My companion Elder Rodrigues is the new assistant to the Mission President and I received the old assistant Elder Clawson! It's going to be an interesting transfer and I'm excited! Anyway let's go into the week.

Had a split with Elder Clawson on Tuesday where we just had fun the whole time and worked in a good area. He basically was playtesting the area and seeing how he could work here haha. On Thursday did a split with Elder Howard here in Tamandaré and it went very well. He taught me a lot and it was also very funny with him. I truly enjoy our conversations.

This weekend we received two brazilian orphans (New Missionaries)! We got Elder Rodrigues e Elder Jesus. They are two excellent missionaries who work hard. Spent the first day with Elder Rodrigues Jr. and it was awesome. He carries a ton of spirit and has a strong testimony. Saturday and Sunday I spent with Elder Jesus and let me tell you it was fun. He is always singing and cracking jokes while talking to everyone on the road. He is great, has a bit to learn, but his trainer will teach him all of that. I was blessed to have these two and to learn from them as well. Elder Rodrigues Jr. is actually my mission grandson because my mission son Elder Slaugh will be training him. I'm excited to see how everything goes!

If you remember I spoke about Antônio last week, and Sunday he was baptized! He was so excited and very happy! It was great! We also have many people for these upcoming weeks so stay in tune for all of that.

- Went to Recanto Gaúcho and man ate so much meat that my stomach is going to burst. Went with Elder Jones and Elder Koford.

- Learned that I'm the youngest Zone Leader (based off mission time) in the entire mission…that's strange to think about

- Had an Uber who explained everything about Curitiba to us

- Learned that we will be getting a Van here to help bring people to church.

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5...Seguirei; March 3, 2025; 1st Assistant to the President, Brasil Curitiba Mission

  Welp another week has passed and lets get into this one. Tuesday: Uberaba We went to Uberaba with Elder Reid and Elder Soto, well we actua...