Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Transfer Completed (6/24/2024); Mission Week 64; Area: Guaraituba, Boa Vista Zone

 Well I got Transferred again. I am senior Zone Leader in the Boa Vista zone, but my area is called Guaraituba. I just moved next store to my old area, funny right? Anyway I'm excited because I have a new companion who is Venezuelan so this'll be awesome. Elder Gonzalez is his name and Judo is his game. Now when I say this guy is big I mean it. He has done 3 different kinds of martial arts and is a black belt in all 3. Anyway enough about this let me talk about a few quick things.

Two Mondays ago a boy, that I spoke to the first week in Almirante Tamandaré and then never again, sent a message to my mom through Instagram. He asked if I could go back to his house to visit him, so we got his number and I remembered him. We went back and we taught him and his family. Well that Sunday the family came to church!! So I was happy to hear about that.

Welp as I said I got a new companion and a new Zone to take care of. Before we went to our area we went to a restaurant called Recanto Gaúcho and ate a bunch of meat! It was so good. Then we went to our area to our house. It's small, but fits everything nicely. We have a market nearby and the area is pretty chill. It's way different from my past areas because it's only 4 neighborhoods that we take care of and it takes only 40 minutes to travel from one side to the other. It's small, but just has a ton of people living there. During this first week we passed by all of the recently baptized members so that I could get to know them better. Then we also worked on bringing from members back to Church. During that time Elder Gonzalez had a family that he and Elder Child were working with who had this 11 year old boy who really wanted to be baptized, however, they were never able to get the signature. Well we got the signature and he was baptized this past Sunday!! So yeah it was awesome!

The Beloved Son Baptises
I also had the opportunity to work with my beloved son Elder M. Cutler. During the split he told me that I would only be doing baptismal interviews. {To explain: When a person accepts to be baptized they don't just show up one Sunday and enter into the water. When a person accepts we create a lesson plan with them where they will learn who God is, who Jesus Christ is and what did he do for us, what is the purpose of Baptism and Receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost, the Commandments of God, and about the Restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ. All of these topics are taught to the person before they are baptized, and to make sure that the person understands there is an interview that they must pass which is from another missionary who has never spoken to them. This missionary is normally the District Leader but can also be a Zone Leader. An interview is always a one on one conversation and the responses are not told to anyone else, not even the missionaries teaching them. That way the person can have 100% confidence and feel comfortable explaining/expressing their true feelings and or any other question that they may have. Anyway that's the brief explanation} So we started the afternoon getting an uber 20 minutes out into the middle of nowhere where I conversed with this man who worked on a farm. We met him at the fence, talked a little bit and then began the interview. He had a few questions, but the biggest fear he had was if he made a mistake after his baptism. I then explained to him how the Gift of the Holy Ghost works to always give us a remission of our sins, or in simpler terms, we can constantly be forgiven of all our sins whether big or small. After that interview we took another 20 minute uber to the second interview. It was a 15 year old boy who had many questions about The Church of Jesus Christ. We spent about an hour and 15 minutes talking over all his questions and more importantly about how he was already baptized in the Baptist church. I explained about the power and authority of God and again about the Gift of the Holy Ghost. After that long conversation he decided that he would be baptized. Then we went to the last interview which was with an 11 year old boy who knew everything perfectly. I was super impressed how determined he was and how excited as well. When I finished his interview his older brother came out and talked briefly when I felt that he also desired to be baptized, so I just asked him in the moment and he said yes, so I began to interview him and to my surprise he also had learned everything. I asked him how he knew and he said that when the missionaries would pass by he was always shy to be with his brother, so he would sit next to a door and listen to the lesson and after he would read the Book of Mormon and pray. It was super shocking, but also a moment of joy. Elder Cutler and I left that house full of energy remembering the good days back in DalCol. The next day all 4 were baptized and confirmed members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Super proud of my boy Elder Cutler.

Anyway the week truly flew by and I don't remember everything, but it has been really good. Anyway here are some pictures:

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5...Seguirei; March 3, 2025; 1st Assistant to the President, Brasil Curitiba Mission

  Welp another week has passed and lets get into this one. Tuesday: Uberaba We went to Uberaba with Elder Reid and Elder Soto, well we actua...