Thursday, July 11, 2024

Last Birthday (7/8/24); Mission week: 65-66; Area: Guaraituba, Boa Vista Zone

 Thank you everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday!! It was really nice to receive all the messages! Let us drop into these last two weeks…

Zone Conference & Family time

This zone conference was very similar to the others. The main difference was that rather than have a presentation and explain how to do things, Elder Gonzalez and I did an example in front of everyone. Elder Hogge was our friend who we taught and he didn't make it easy on us. At the end we have the rest of the missionaries practice. We do practices on how to listen and help people. Nothing is planned out before nor are there memorized scripts that we have. We learn how to ask questions that will lead us in the right direction for the Holy Ghost to tell us what to teach. Anyway after that we had a split with the Assistants. I went with my good ole buddy Elder Rodrigues, and man was it an awesome day. We had so much fun talking and working together. We actually saw quite a few miracles that day as well. One miracle in particular was stumbling across an amazing family. Edinéia is the mom who is a member of the church for many years, and she lives with her 6 kids (Alan, Gean, Ruan, Luana, Raiane, e Luan). They are all so much fun, and I truly enjoy passing by to get to know them better. In particular, yesterday was an awesome time because they gave us cake and we had a moment where we were really able to connect with them and feel like part of the family. 


We had the baptism of Edson last week and this past Sunday we had the baptism of Josué! Honestly two big miracles! During Edson's baptism the font wasn't heating up. We ran to the heater and didn't see a flame. I ran outside to the propane tanks and learned that one was completely empty, so I had to change the tanks. Luckily they always have two tanks so that wasn't a big problem. We ran back in and restarted it and it began to work. The only downside was that it takes about 2-3 hours to fully heat up…and we only had 45 minutes before the baptism. So what did we do? We got pots from the kitchen and started boiling water, yep we actually did this. We spent the whole 45 minutes boiling water and throwing it in just to get the ice cold water to be lukewarm. When the baptism rolled around Edson said that the water was good, so we both relaxed after. For the baptism of Josué we left the heater on for a little too long and the water was super hot! In the end it went perfectly. 

22 Birthday!

So my birthday fell on a Wednesday which meant that you work even harder. I split with Elder Hall and we went into a Sister area called Bacacheri. As some context, Elder Gonzalez and I challenged the Zone this entire week, the challenge for Wednesday was giving out as many Book of Mormons as possible. Elder Hall and I took that to the literal and filled our bags full! While we were in Bacacheri we both ran out and asked the Office if we could be sent more. Well we got two more boxes full and by the end of the day we would give out a box and some. Just in that day my Zone gave out over 350 Book of Mormons. So if you have yet to receive a Book of Mormon just ask for one because we give them out for free for everyone. It is amazing and has the power to change your life. Anyway that was my birthday.

Special Visitors

Yesterday, at church, I was surprised by a couple of visitors.  One was a man named Sirlei.  He came up to me and told me that he had been baptized by my dad in 1996, when my dad was a missionary in the Brasilia Brasil Mission.  Sirlei has since served a mission and is married.  He was super nice and it was a privilege to have met him.  Then, same day, there was a family sitting behind me in the chapel that I didn't know.  They got my attention and told me that they were there to meet me because Regina was one my mom's best friends growing up in the Brasilia area and that her husband, Rogerio, had been Elder Coelho and knew my dad when they both served in the Brasil Brasilia mission.  Come to find out, they live in my zone.  What a small world.

Did splits with Elder Peterson and he made me cookies!
Did splits with Elder Paramore where we laughed the whole time
Did splits with Elder Lima where we saw many miracles happen
We ran out of water in our house so we spent the night with Elder Carneiro e Elder Filetti
Had a crazy dream…

That's basically it!
Here are some pictures!

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5...Seguirei; March 3, 2025; 1st Assistant to the President, Brasil Curitiba Mission

  Welp another week has passed and lets get into this one. Tuesday: Uberaba We went to Uberaba with Elder Reid and Elder Soto, well we actua...