Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Just a Miracle (6/10/2024); Mission Week 61-63; Area: Almirante Tamandare

 Sorry that I haven't written in awhile, but we have been working pretty hard these past few weeks and nothing too crazy has been happening. With that being said I wanted to relate a miracle that happened this week.

Two Sundays ago there was a fast and testimony meeting at church and Elder Clawson and I forgot to start our fast Saturday, so we decided to after lunch. After a great and filling meal we had combined to visit a recently baptized member Nicoly and her family. I remember looking at the map and knowing exactly where her house was, however, along the walk I took us the wrong way. After 15 minutes of walking on the wrong road in the wrong direction I finally realized that I made a mistake. Elder Clawson wasn't mad at all, but in fact he remembered that we needed to start our fast. We fasted for help to find families to teach and to better our work. After we said the prayer we kept walking until we came to a road that would take us back to where we should have gone. While walking down that road I remembered a young man that I taught with Elder Rodrigues almost a month and a half ago. We took a detour and walked to this person's house, and he wasn't home but his dad was. We ended up teaching him a little lesson and marking to return on Tuesday. When Tuesday rolled around we arrived at the house, the dad took us in where the rest of the family was waiting with cake and tea. We got to know them and left them with a lesson. On Thursday we did the same thing and after the Dad opened up and expressed that he has been frustrated with God for awhile because his son died a year ago, but then he said that ever since we started passing by he has felt this love and peace in his home. This Sunday he wasn't able to make it to church, but we showed up Sunday night and he told us he was thinking about being rebaptized and that he really wants to keep learning and want to bring his family to church. So this has been a great miracle and I'm really excited to see Denis and the other 4 members of his family at church. Anyway that's my little miracle and I hope you all have a great week!

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5...Seguirei; March 3, 2025; 1st Assistant to the President, Brasil Curitiba Mission

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