Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Just Water - Flood in church (5/20/24); Mission Week: 59-60; Area: Almirante Tamandare

 Welcome to another email from Elder Hyatt in Almirante TamandarΓ©!

🌊Flood Warning!🌊
Last Sunday after church we were having a baptism, but it didn't go as planned. Here we have a water heater that fills up the font on its own…it's not supposed to do that. Well what happened was when we opened the door all the water came spewing out and we had a mini flood in the church. We ended up having to get buckets to remove the water from the font. Who would've thought that was foreshadowing this week.

πŸ“ŠZone Conference!πŸ—£
Welp once again Zone Conference and this time we talked about the importance of daily contact. It went well and after that we had a division with Elder Rodrigues and Elder Lizana. I went with Elder Lizana and we visited some people and ended the day with a wonderful family from Manaus. Just a good solid day.

πŸͺThe Story of the Plug!🚱
Saturday we showed up to the church to clean and as I was cleaning the baptismal font I noticed that the plug was gone. As background information the plug broke off of the chain a few weeks back and was never fixed so it normally just sat on the stairs. Well it was gone. We checked everywhere and couldn't find it, so we ended up having to buy one. We used Elder Clawson’s watch to measure it and we found the right one. We put it in and started filling the font for Sunday. We filled the font about halfway and left it…come to find out that would be a mistake. Sunday rolls around and we get everyone to church in the van and everything is going great up until the second hour when Elder Toronto comes and gets me. We walk over to the font where he shows me how it's almost flooding the church again. I grabbed a broomstick and walked on the edges of the font and tried to angle the plug so the water could seep out, but it didn't work. Then an idea flashed in my head. I raced to my backpack and pulled off my Flamingo Soccer Team Keychain and pulled off the spiral ring. I then bent it and created a hook from it. I then attached that to the broomstick and returned to the font. To my and Elder Toronto's surprise it worked! Get got the plug out and I fixed the chain using the hook so that the plug was reattached. Elder Toronto and I celebrated our victory and prepared for the baptisms.

πŸ’§Splash Zone! πŸ’¦
This Sunday we had 7 baptisms! I had the honor to baptize Nicoly who actually found us and asked us to be baptized. She's super cool and already had some connections to the church. The other was our 9 year old friend Sybelle who was so eager to be baptized. At the same time we had Elder Toronto and Elder Granados baptizing. It was really cool and such a special moment. There were a bunch of people supporting all of them and it was just a great and memorable day! 

That's basically it! I'll catch y'all next week!

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