Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Hairless dogs, Korean Drama and a Wand; Mission Weeks 43 & 44; Area: Dalcol; Ponta Grossa, PR Brasil

 Hey! Not too much time this P-Day so here is the quick update!

We had a baptism this past Sunday! Our friend João Victor received the Priesthood of God and had the incredible opportunity to baptize his friend Eduardo!! It was hilarious because the water was really cold and Eduardo was shaking, but he absolutely loved it. After we had the church meeting and then after everything we ate cake. It was just a great Sunday!

Random events

- The Quórum President Luis Rojas made Harry Potter wands by hand and gave it to us it is really cool.

- Got yelled at by a random old guy who said we were thieves and that if we ever hit his house again he would shoot us...

- We hit a green house and 8 sickly/some hairless dogs come out of the house one at a time barking. Following the dogs came this really old Lady who called her neighbors drug dealers and devil worshippers before giving us a 3 liter bottle of Guarana...gave it away to someone else

- Got trapped on a bus for 6 hours on the drive back from Curitiba. Trying to talk with everyone in the District with spotty internet because everyone was having problems.

- Performed a service project for a member where we cleaned out her yard. It was great and after we had a great lunch. 

- We might gain the title of Wedding Planner here because we have an amazing couple that wants to get married and get baptized, and we will have to work with them to plan it all out. Let's see how that goes.

- Korean Drama are the newest hit here...don't ask me why I truly don't know, but it seems like every other house we get into is watching a Korean Drama of some sort. One night we did a family home evening with the Lüders and when we got there they were watching a Korean Drama called "True Beauty". It's not bad just strange, LOL

Anyway that's basically it for the 2 weeks here are some pictures:

Elder Hyatt

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5...Seguirei; March 3, 2025; 1st Assistant to the President, Brasil Curitiba Mission

  Welp another week has passed and lets get into this one. Tuesday: Uberaba We went to Uberaba with Elder Reid and Elder Soto, well we actua...