Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Curitiba, here I am. Goodbye Ponta Grossa; Mission Week 45; Area: Almirante Tamandare

 Well, here I am. On a van, headed to a place that I don't know and that I don't understand. 

Time flies by as I stare at the sky thinking about all the goodbyes. 
The grand memories and the companion histories, left in the areas where I used to be.
From District to Zone, I’m walking the unknown, glad that I’m not all alone
Almirante Tamandaré, here I come, here I'll stay, leading each and every day, what more do I have to say
So here I am, on a van, headed to a place that I don't know and that I don't understand 

The Last Week

Well, this past week was my last week in Ponta Grossa. Honestly, I had a feeling that I would leave, but I truly didn't want to. I began my mission there and hit 10, nearly 11 months there. It honestly feels like leaving home because I got to know so many people there and I had everything memorized in the part of the city I was in. I created so many friendships and bonds with many people and now it's time to finally move on to another city. This week was a good week where I had the opportunity to say goodbye to many people in different areas. We had a family home evening with the Lüders one night. I got to talk with the Udagawas for a time as well. I also got to pass and visit many other great families in all the areas I passed in, and I am forever grateful for all of it. We also left many times with Luiz Thiago who I will miss greatly. He truly made a great impact on my mission.

New Responsibilities

Well, with this change, I will not be finishing Elder Slaugh's training which is sad. I was called to serve as a Zone Leader in Almirante Tamandaré where I will take care of even more missionaries. Yeah, I don't know what to say other than that and that I'm a little nervous haha. Luckily I'll be with another Zone Leader named Elder Rodrigues. Apparently he and I are similar so we shall see…

I'm in Tamandaré

So, as of adding this,+ I have been in Almirante Tamandaré for a few hours now so… basically its a smaller city to the north of Curitiba and so I am still not truly in Curitiba, just close. Anyway, my Zone is straight through the middle of Curitiba so I'll have many opportunities to visit many areas. In my area there are 4 of us Elders. Elder Rodrigues, Elder Toronto, Elder Peterson, and I are all in a house not an apartment for the first time! It's kinda cool, but we shall see how long that thought lasts haha. Anyway, the city is nice and I'll really explore it more this week. I'm actually very excited now to see all that will happen this week. 

Oh I forgot that we had a baptism after a soccer tournament where our ward won 3rd place it was awesome!

If you want to know anything just ask and I'll send an email your way! That's basically it!

Elder Hyatt

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