Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Bless the Rains in Tamandaré!!; Mission Week 46; Area: Almirante Tamandare

 Another week has passed and now I tell about my adventures…

🌄 Almirante Tamandaré
It is a wonderful small city to the Northwest of Curitiba. There it is very hilly, but image that the hills are almost mountains…that's where I am. It's wonderful, it's humble, and I already love it. This week it rained the whole time and man let me tell ya I truly missed the rain. Anyway let me get into some more specific details.

👨‍👨‍👦‍👦 Companions
As I stated last week I am 1 in 4 missionaries, but truly only have one companion Elder Rodrigues. He is a great brasillian companion from Ceará and we get along very well together. We have very similar personalities and I have a huge respect for him. He is very obedient and diligent and has become one of my good friends. Now the other two are amazing as well. Elder Toronto is a nut from Arizona who channels so much spirit and insanity at the same time. I both learn so much from him at the same time that I am laughing hard. He is a wonderful and hard-working missionary with a great sense of humor. Lastly, Elder Peterson the man himself. With only 4 months on the mission under his belt he is a machine. He is also from Arizona and cracked at the piano. He has a ton of positive energy and such a high potential to become an amazing missionary. Plus his cookies are to die for. They are always so good that it's like an addiction for Elder Rodrigues who is always begging for Elder Peterson to make more cookies. These are my companions whom I love and cherish.

🌊 Baptisms!
So when I showed up we learned about this lady who lives in our area and was invited to be baptized from a missionary from another ward and area. Well she started going to church there while being taught by some Sisters online while also receiving messages from us. The whole week was preparing for her baptism…but we didn't know where it was going to take place because she lived in our area and so should be baptized here, but she wanted to be baptized there and it was a bit of a mess. So what ended up happening was she got baptized in another ward and got confirmed here, by us. Yeah it was funny we left our area to baptize her and her son and then Sunday they were confirmed in church. It was an amazing time and everything went right.

🧉 Random things:
- Elder Toronto fell into a hole full of dirty muddy water and so we had to return home to unlock the house for them.

- Almost got bit a dog again but Elder Rodrigues swung his bag in front of the dog and I grabbed and threw a rock at it. From then on I have always walked with my umbrella in my hand just in case.

- Did a division with Elder Gouveia where we taught a family of 8 and invited 3 people to be baptized and they accepted. 

- Elder Rodrigues got sick Sunday afternoon and so I did online work for 4 hours and I was dead afterwards. 

- Got all the Elders addicted to Granola with Oat milk which I got from Elder Jenkins

Elder Hyatt

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5...Seguirei; March 3, 2025; 1st Assistant to the President, Brasil Curitiba Mission

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