Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Splitting Waters; Mission Weeks 47 & 48; Area: Almirante Tamandare


These past two weeks have been a lot of traveling. I guess I never realized how much you travel as a Zone Leader, however, it's been going great.

Guabirotuba πŸŒŠ
I had the opportunity to split/division with my friend Elder Rizo-Patron in Guabirotuba. It is basically a small area South of the center of Curitiba. We had a great day where we visited Felipe, this 19 year old who speaks English and has a funny dog. We get over there and talk with him for a little bit and he basically tells us that he wants to be baptized to have the presence of the Lord with him. We were so happy and he ended up getting baptized this past Saturday. The rest of the split/division went very well where we talked with quite a few people and laughed a lot on the way.

Neuza πŸŒŠ
2 Sundays ago our friend Neuza was baptized and she is just wonderful. She was actually a friend with one of the members here and has been going to church for awhile. We passed by her house and she told us that she was already baptized in another church, but that she wanted to be baptized in The Church of Jesus Christ. It was just a great and spiritual Time for both her and us. Then this past week she gave us a massive lunch and it was so good.

Pants πŸ‘– 
Welp, just like the subtitle I had to get some pants. To explain, when I started the mission I had 7 pairs of pants. In my first area, when I was bit in the butt by a dog, it put a hole in those pants and so I had to throw them away. In my second area, another pair was completely ruined from the red dirt and the sun and also I ripped a hole in them, so they were thrown away as well. Now down to 5 pairs and they are all sun bleached and oversized, so I finally went and got new pants. I was basically forced to by my parents, my sister, and my companion because, yeah, I really needed new pants. So on P-day we went into Curitiba into a massive mall and I finally bought 2 more pairs of pants. I forgot that I had to buy one when I was still in Ponta Grossa. Anyway, I now have pants that look nice, fit well, and are not completely ruined by the sun.

AhΓΊ πŸ’° 
This past week I got to see what it is like to work in the Center of Curitiba. I split/division with Elder Da Silva and it was great. It is definitely harder, but we still had a good time visiting and talking with people. I never realized how fast everything moves and all the buses flying down the roads are crazy.

Ala 2 πŸ—£
Oh yeah, also in the center of Curitiba here. I was with Elder Martin who is basically like me and so we were laughing the entire day and just having a great time. We talked to so many people in the parks, and then we went to this super nice apartment where this old couple was waiting for us. They are hotel owners and asked for a Book of Mormon. It was such a great experience and at the end she was crying. It was a great day.

Church ActivityπŸͺ
Saturday night we (the Elders) organized an activity for the ward and anyone who wanted to get involved. We left a spiritual thought on the Atonement of Jesus Christ and then we played a game and then we ate cookies…cookies which we spent hours making. Elder Peterson, our Gordon Ramsey, taught us how to make amazing cookies and we spent an entire morning making them. We made probably about 100-150 cookies and they were all gone at the end. Everyone loved them. At the activity there were two youth who have been going to church since they were children and they said that they want to be baptized, so next Sunday we hope to help them get baptized πŸŒŠ and receive the Holy GhostπŸ”₯

Sunday our friend Jair was baptized! We've been teaching him since I got here and he is so nice. He lives so far away, literally in the middle of the forest, but he is awesome.

That has basically been the past two weeks😁

Any questions?

Elder Hyatt

Here are some pictures:

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