Saturday, August 26, 2023

The Reality of Things; Mission Weeks 20 and 21; Area: Uvaranas, Ponta Grossa, PR, Brasil

 Over the past two weeks I've had quite a bit of time for self reflection, and so I'd like to start off with some explanations. 

I'd like to talk about my past emails. I've heard a few things about them and I'd like to explain some as well. To start, the things that I have chosen to write are only tiny pieces of my week that I choose to share because I find them funny or mire joyful. I don't go into too much about my life or the people I've been teaching and helping because I did not deem it a necessary thing to discuss. I also feel people may have a different idea about what I'm doing down here and what exactly is my purpose, so my emails will be different from here on out and I'll let you all in to understand what all I've been dealing with.

I'd like to talk about how it seems like I'm always happy and having a great time. Speaking honestly, I am having a great time, but I have never once said it was easy. I never once said my companions were perfect and that everything has been wonderful. The reality of things is that the past few months have been pretty difficult for me. I said before I was with a District Leader and we take care of a large area and all other missionaries. That means my mind is constantly thinking about the people who are helping and teaching as well as the other missionaries and my companion to lighten his load. The other missionaries are great, but there have been difficulties with some that we really had to council and find ways to help. On top of that we have many people we are trying to help and its not as simple as it may seem. We have been teaching this family of a Lady whose son was killed because of drugs and the daughter of him lives with her, and her other two uncles who both live a complicated life with drugs. One has been going to church and over the past 5 weeks we have been helping him stop because he wants to get married to his girlfriend who lives across the street and we are teaching her too. She's really nice and also want to stop taking drugs, but she has a complicated relationship with her parents and her father from time to time hits her and her mom. It's been a challenge because the parents hate her boyfriend, but they all went to church this Sunday together so there is some progress. We are also helping this young girl who loves the church and the Book of Mormon, but has very complicated parents and her cousins aren't the best example. On top of that we baptized her cousin this past Saturday and her dad has health problems and can't walk well but we have been helping him try to get healthier, but he is difficult to work with.

So yeah these are just a few of the people. I've never been more reminded about working in the clinic like at this point. I feel like I work in a hospital because everyone seems to have problems and depression and we have to help them both physically and spiritually. Our purpose is to help people come unto Christ, but also help them live a happier and better life. I've had to humble myself because of the situations I have found myself in every day. I've really learned what it means to love someone because if you don't learn to love them you can't help them. I've had to be both the counselor and the comforter. It's a lot on us because people look at us and expect us to be able to help or have the answers and it's not easy. I'm always so exhausted at the end of the day, but it's never been a bad day. Things may go wrong, but if you think about everything that goes right it'll always outweigh the bad. 

On that train of thought id like to talk about my experience with a spirit and a lady we are teaching. One day this past week she told us that every night that she goes to bed she sees a spirit of a lady with long black hair and grey skin sitting over her child's crib. She also said that spirits run through the house at night and she feels terrified, but it's been like that for years now. She told us a catholic priest went in and blessed the house with holy water and it did nothing. Well for the first time we walked into the house and I didn't feel any different, but my eyes met the upper corner of her bedroom and I saw discoloration with cracked wood also with the appearance of an animal scratching or tearing at the boards. She then said it was always in that corner and above the child's bed. I could not remove my eyes from that corner, nor did I feel comfortable. I felt as if I was being watched or encased by some force from the unseen world. I've never had an experience where I felt that there was another presence in a room or ever felt so trapped than I felt in that moment. Elder Gull and I kneeled on the ground; he and I said a prayer and dedicated the house. After we left the house Elder Gull told me he felt the same way but that he heard a strong wind and heard the wood boards shake as he was saying the prayer. All things that I didn't not hear or notice. The day after, we asked her if she noticed a difference and she told us that they all disappeared, and that he night was the most peaceful and calming she has ever had. This experience is the second one that I've now had with Elder Gull. 

Also had a random drunk ex-pastor grab my wrist and walk us into his house which the floor was a sea of beer cans and whiskey and he had broken cups and plates scattered around. We attempted to help him, but he kept telling us no or wanting to read the Bible or talk about people he knew. (He drank 10 cans before talking to us and was carrying them all in a plastic bag) He almost didn't allow us to leave if it wasn't for me convincing him that he was tired and needed to sleep and that we would talk with him when he is sober.

Now onto the more uplifting and joyous parts. We had a couple get baptized this past Saturday and they are the best. Daniel and Zelia are so nice and helpful and love the church, but they had fears of growing weak in the church like some of the people that they know. Yet after 5 weeks they finally got baptized because they realized that only they could make themselves grow weak in the church, and on top of that they wanted the Holy Ghost to be their constant companion. Their baptism with Ana Julia was so spiritual and special. I was so happy that I had the opportunity to baptize them and help them on their journey.

This email is getting pretty long now, but I'd like to close by saying that I've had some challenging times on my mission so far and trying to help everyone has been a toll on my mind, but its also been so beneficial to my own growth. I've never been more grateful for time to study the scriptures everyday because truly as you dive into them you will learn and grow more than ever before. Remember you aren't alone. You have a purpose in this life. Never take for granted the things you have and remember to stop judging people based on what they look like or what you hear from people. Learn to actually love and care for people. Don't be afraid to act on the good thoughts that you get because you never know whose life you will bless. Anyway that's all.

            Elder Hyatt 



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5...Seguirei; March 3, 2025; 1st Assistant to the President, Brasil Curitiba Mission

  Welp another week has passed and lets get into this one. Tuesday: Uberaba We went to Uberaba with Elder Reid and Elder Soto, well we actua...