Thursday, August 10, 2023

Beating Up Children and Loving It; Mission Weeks: 18 & 19; Area: Uvaranas, Ponta Grossa, PR Brasil


So, I didn't write last week due to running out of time and not having the patience to write out a letter so I'm joining last week's and this week's. 

So, last week I got to beat up children. I'm not joking I got to stand and whack them right off a platform and they kept jumping up to fight me. In reality it was a July Festival and the 31 de Março ward was having a party so we took some of the youth that we were teaching to their activity because, why not? Once there we saw this bouncy house platform for fighting with foam sticks and João (one of the piás) begged me to fight him so I did, and after it turned into a fight fest where I was knocking kids and teenager off right and left for a good 20 minutes. I even took down the Stake President who had everyone cheering for him and I swept him off his feet. It was really fun. They all loved getting beat up by a missionary. I still need to get the videos from the people who recorded it.

Anyway, the only major thing I remember from last week was Sunday. We have recent members, who live right behind the church and I mean literally behind the church, who Elder Gull and Elder Zanoti baptized. Gustavo always goes to church, but his brother Emannuel has been staying up late playing games and has missed going to church for a month just because he sleeps in on weekends. I have met him and man is he lazy. Gustavo has tried, but Emannuel sleeps like a rock. So Sunday we get to church and see once again that Emannuel wasn't there, and so Elder Gull and I walked to his house, through his gate, opened the front door, and attempted to wake him up. Elder Gull was shaking him, saying his name, and nothing, so I quickly got annoyed after 5 minutes of watching Elder Gull try to wake him up. I picked him up and fireman carried him to church. Yep, I basically kidnapped him, but we confirmed with his parents first so it was a permitted kidnapping.

Then it last P-day we basically stayed home and cleaned the apartment the whole day and I cooked a lot of food for us and yeah it was great.

This past Tuesday I actually had another experience with a woman who was baptized but became very depressed and hasn't left the house for a whole month. When we got there she just kept complaining and not wanting to listen to Elder Gull who was trying to read the scriptures with her. As I was standing there I just had a strong impression to talk. It may have come across very stern, but I practically gave a lesson about positivity but in a very direct manner...and guess what it worked, she finally left the house with us and actually returned back to church. She went willingly, it wasn't forced, I promise. She was actually grateful that I pushed her because she commented how beautiful the world was and how she had forgotten. So sometimes I guess it's ok to be a little more stern and militaristic.

We also had a family night at the church and we ended up bring 13 youth; they loved it. They enjoyed the lesson and then the game and food afterwards. They all said they want to come more. There was a 9 year old girl named Erica who gave me the catholic rosaries 📿 as a gift and she said she wants to get baptized so that's awesome and so sweet.

Anyway this email was a bit rushed, but it's because we also went to a museum today which was really cool. We learned a lot from this personal collector who owned actual artifacts from Egypt, Peru, and from here as well. And as I am writing this we are eating pizza, so yep, that's basically it.

Elder Hyatt

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5...Seguirei; March 3, 2025; 1st Assistant to the President, Brasil Curitiba Mission

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