Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Week 4 - Ponta Grossa, 31 de Marco - First week in the mission field


WAIT…I was told it would be cold!


Well, it's officially the first P-day of my mission. It's been a great week honestly, but let's start from the beginning. 


We left the MTC at 4am to get over to the Sao Paulo airport. Our plane took off later than expected, I was so tired that I fell asleep on the flight. When I awoke all I saw were thick dark clouds as we descended down. Once we broke through the thick layer of clouds there I beheld the large rainy city of Curitiba. When we landed it was lightly raining and then it stopped. We met our mission president and his wife.  Shortly after we were shoved into a van a taken to the temple. We didn't go inside, but we were there for what felt like 40 minutes to maybe an hour, I'm not entirely sure. We then went to the mission home where we ate, had a quick interview with the president, then Elder Cutler, Elder Abreu, Elder Chagas, and I were rushed to a bus station.  We had been chosen to be sent two hours away to a smaller city called Ponta Grossa. So, we were rushed into a hot and humid bus for 2 hours to arrive in the city of Ponta Grossa where we met our new mission companions. My new companion is Elder Blackburn from Idaho and let me tell you he's pretty great. After we met our new companions, we were ubered to our apartments to drop off our stuff and then we went straight to work. I wasn’t half prepared for all the walking we were about to do.


To make this long story short the past week has been full of foot pains and smiles. It's strange clapping at the gates and doors instead of knocking on doors. Also, it is definitely different interacting only in Portuguese. It's been an amazing experience though. All the members are great and welcoming and so helpful. Let me tell you some of the more interesting stuff.


My area is called 31 de Março; it's not a massive area, but it sometimes it feels that way when you are walking for 30 minutes non-stop trying to find someone’s house. There is an area called “The Invasion” where we have put in a lot of work. It is called an invasion due to all the people invading government property, building houses, getting free water and electricity. The houses are ruggishly build out of multi-colored wood. There are also a just a ton of random wild horses walking around not just the Invasion but throughout the actual city as well. It feels almost like a old western town at times. 


Anyway, I've gotten to play futebol with a few kids already and actually had a pretty cool experience with three. Matheus, Ariene, and Yan are three kids who live in the Invasão and were playing futebol as Elder Blackburn and I were walking to visit some families, he had gotten a call and while he spoke on the phone, I joined the kids in playing futebol. We all got a long nicely, I invited them to church and said we could have a member give them a ride if needed. The kids said they'd have to talk to their parents, and what do you know they all came to church with us. They are great kids and they seem to really like the church and us. 


There are a lot of Venezuelans here and so I've tried my first Venezuelan food, it was good. I also had their version of pumpkin pie and oh it was great as well.


My face is sunburned. I was told it would be cloudy and kind of cold in this part of Brasil, but nope! It's chilly with the wind but the sun beats down on you and really burns the nose, so yeah, now I have a red peeling nose.


Anyway, we have 4 baptisms set up already so it's kind of exciting. I'm starting to be able to teach in Portugues. We just went shopping for food today, so we are stocked and ready to rock.


Dogs are the worst, very annoying here.

I really didn't like chimarrao, a brasilian tree leaf drink, when my dad would have me try it.  Well, I have started to drink it and have acquired the taste for it.  It's not that bad.  Most everybody here in the south of Brasil drinks chimarrao. I even bought a cuia, handmade cup for drinking chimarrao.


Anyway, I don't have many pictures this time because I honestly have forgotten to take pictures. It's been such a busy week, but I'll try my best to take more pictures. Anyway, that's all for this week!


Elder Hyatt

President and Sister Bikman

Mission President

Arrival day in Curitiba with my MTC district

Drinking Chimarrao, talking with mom on P-day

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

" LEAVING THE COMPOUND"; Last day at the MTC - 4/17/2023, Sao Paulo


I know I just barely sent an email, but I leave this spiritual prison tomorrow. Also, with that, I forgot to add a few people to the email, sorry Benji. 


Anyway, with this freedom I guess I'm just going to do a recap of my this past week in more detail, but less organized.


It’s honestly been a wonderful time here but man I hate stairs. We live on the 6th floor and have to take the stairs up and down every day for the past two weeks I couldn’t imagine being here and doing that longer. Our room is shared with Elder Nunes and Elder Santana and I have the top bunk. It’s not that bad except for when you finally wake up and you are freezing because you set the A/C to 16 Celso and it blows right as you all night. 


We had two classes every day except Sunday, and they were 3 hour classes with one 10 minute break. Irmã Trigo in the morning at 8am and Irmã Torres 1pm. I almost always got sleepy in Irmã Torres class. After classes we had time to study then 45 mins for physical activity where we basically only played volleyball. Proud to say I actually play decently now. Anytime Cutler and I had time to waste we'd go to our secret piano room and he would just write songs as I wrote/studied a bit. In 2 years keep your ears open for a new and upcoming artist because Dani boi has songs and they will touch your soul, just don’t ask him to play any hymns that aren’t used often because he doesn’t read hymns well haha. We also had district meetings almost every night and what a blessing that was to hear people's testimonies and to just hangout. Cutler taught the rest of the district how to play ninja and they all really get into it. 


Moving away from the district and to other people who have impacted my time here. 


Firstly, Elder Torgerson has been a great friend and someone I'm always happy to see and talk you. Wishing you the best. 


Next Sister Groll, Sister Nufer, Sister Speth, Sister McCellan its been fun getting to know you all and I'm glad that Cutler and I were able to make your time in the prison more enjoyable. Wishing you all the best with the rest of your time here. Keep me updated with how your missions go. 


Elder Larrosa, thank you for knowing just enough português to help me when i was thrown into a groupo espanhol. Foi ótimo para conhecer você. obrigado por sempre ser ótimo e sempre dizer olá quando nos encontramos.  boa sorte em sua missão e me mantenha atualizado.


Elder Lima obrigado por sempre ter um grande sorriso no rosto e por ser apenas um grande amigo. desejando-lhe o melhor em Brasília. cuide-se e mantenha-me atualizado.


This last day has been great actually. It’s been relaxing and it was kinda sad having our last devotional where our whole district interlocked arms (except the girls) and sang 'Till we Meet'. It was really nice, and the rest of the day has just been packing. This place has given me great memories like walking the small track for miles talking with Cutler about all sorts of things in life. Teasing Elder Nunes for drawing random Sisters in the CTM and giving them the drawings. Playing volleyball on the courts with our crazy Dominicano and our district. To all the great people we would meet at the devotionals. It’s been a great time and I'm excited to see what gets thrown at us next.


Next time you hear from me I'll be in Curitiba.


(I dont have many photos this time because the majority is on my camera, so you'll see them later haha)

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Week 2-3: Missionary Training Center, Sao Paulo, Brasil


The past almost 2 weeks have been very interesting. The day I was leaving my home to go to the St Louis airport; so much happened, before and during the flight. To make many long stories shorter it began with my brand new church shirt catching fire due to my Dad.  It’s a long story but he put the fire out then sewed the shirt up with some expired suture he had at home.


I spent the entire flight from St. Louis to Atlanta talking with a pilot named Spencer who gave me many insights and a wonderful conversation that I have written down. 


Best wishes to you Spencer and I'll be praying for you and your growing family. 


I met up with a bunch of missionaries going down to Brasil with my companion Elder Daniel Cutler and I. We both stuck together and shared many interesting conversations over our last American meal, Buffalo Wild Wings. We boarded the plane and started the long flight to Brasil. I couldn’t sleep for a few hours so I used the time to study and write down many thoughts and to write a letter. During the probably 2 hours I spent doing this Boen Torgerson leaned over the aisle and asked what I was doing. That simple question turned into a 2-hour discussion that would stick with him and drive him to talk about me by name and his experience until we landed in Brasil.


When we got to Brasil it was pretty simple, but I wasn’t expecting the MTC to be deep in the city of São Paulo; in not the best area. It all was great though and the first day was so long. The rest of the week really flew by. I have played more volleyball here than ever in my life and so I have definitely become good at it.


Food, amazing. My district, amazing. The building and the beds, less amazing. 


All in all, the first week was great. I have never felt as strong of a Spirit as I have here. I gave 3 blessings that first weekend and, man, the power and Spirit that you feel from just being here together is great. 


My companion Elder Cutler and I also began practicing on the piano and singing hymns. I now really want my guitarra, but if I have time I'll get one in Curitiba.


Our days remind me of school but also sometimes of a prison due to the barred windows and not being able to leave the completely fenced/walled in area. It has become routine for Elder Cutler and I to walk the 200m track anytime we have nothing to do, and we share many stories and deep conversations. 


Oh, I also got sick/am sick. It’s not bad anymore but the day I first had it I was burning with a fever and my throat hurt, however, diligently drinking water and prayer works because the day after I woke up as if I had never suffered, except for congested sinuses. I would like to say I got sick from a few others in my district, but I still participated in everything with them.


Every week we get 2-3 devotionals, they are really good and insightful so that has also been good. I've also made a ton of friends and I'd like to know why so many people from Idaho and Utah get called here because it seems that they all know Elder Cutler. I guess because he has lived in both places. I don’t know, it’s crazy, but the people are great.


Something I started doing 3 days ago is read every single general conference talk from 1971 till now. My Grandpa Blaine Hyatt told me that he has been doing it and that he has learned a lot, and so I began incorporating them into my personal study. I can attest to their greatness in information and power. I feel I have gained greater understandings on some topics because of the readings. I'm still in 1971, but I have two years to get through them all so I think I'll get there.


We went to the São Paulo Temple and it was pretty and defiantly needed. It is also a hot day today so I'm sweating, but it has all been great. We leave to Curitiba Tuesday, 4/18/23. I'll keep you all updated.


(The following pictures are just a few that I took. The drawing was a gift from Elder Nunes who gave it to me the first day we arrived. The desk is my desk where I do my study and writing. Then there are some random pictures of my district and a picture of a tired Cutler and I after our first day. Also some pictures of the Temple.)


Ate Mais,

Elder Hyatt

Sao Paulo Templo

Elder Cutler and I

My Desk

My District

The Picture from Elder Nunes

    Sao Paulo - from my window

The Plan of Salvation

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Week 1 - Home Missionary Training Center (MTC)

 This was the first week of the MTC or rather CTM in Portuguese. The time actually flew by rather quickly. The first day was mostly introductions and explanations of how everything was going to work out. There are 12 people in my district 2 of which are Americans like me which is pretty cool. I also learned that my first companion is Elder Dan Cutler. He is pretty cool and musically talented. He is from St. George, Utah.  He is also half Brazilian. 

The rest of the week was scripture study and understanding the doctrines and principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In simplicity, everything comes down to the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ, and his Plan of Forgiveness for us all. 

It's truly fun and incredible being in an atmosphere surrounded by like-minded people while still being at home. I will say, you get pretty tired of staring at a screen after awhile. I am really looking forward to meeting everyone in person when I arrive in Brasil this Tuesday. I leave from St. Louis tomorrow, Monday April 3, for a 14 hr 35 min trip to Sao Paulo and start 2 weeks of missionary training at the MTC.   It has been a wonderful and heartwarming experience so far and we shall see what happens in the weeks to come.


Until next week,


Elder Andrew Blaine Hyatt II

5...Seguirei; March 3, 2025; 1st Assistant to the President, Brasil Curitiba Mission

  Welp another week has passed and lets get into this one. Tuesday: Uberaba We went to Uberaba with Elder Reid and Elder Soto, well we actua...