Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Rush Week; November 25, 2024; Traveling, Assistant to the President

 Hello and welcome back to another email from Elder Hyatt. This time I have so much more to say, so let's dive into it.

So on the last p-day we went bowling after saying goodbye to Elder Loertscher. That night we had a family night at the house of a member in Prado Velho. Jessika, the girl who wants to be baptized, came with her cousin Thais and they really enjoyed it. They stuck with Angel and Aaron, our Venezuelan friends about their same age, and they were laughing and having fun the entire time. We also got pizza and it was a fun and great start of the week.

Woke up really early and got on a bus back to Ponta Grossa. While on the bus we remembered that Elder Christakis e Elder Amaral asked us to give a presentation to their zone. So we put something together on the bus while we were both half awake and half asleep. When we got there the training went very well and the zone really liked it. We then left and got lunch at Gorillão, a hamburger restaurant. It was really good and filling, highly recommended. Anyway, Elder Christakis and I then went to Uvaranas where we taught a single mom of two kids who just recently gave birth and she started to cry saying that she knew that we were sent by God as a response to her prayers. We then divided with Elder Pavez e Elder Da Silva, and I went with Elder Pavez. We got to the neighborhood Coronel Cláudio where I ran into a bunch of youth that I taught over a year ago now. I think the coolest thing was that they all remembered me and gave me hugs. Erika, a girl I taught over a year ago, asked to be baptized and so Elder Pavez and we marked her baptism for Sunday. I was so happy. It was awesome to be able to return to an old area. I also swung by the Udagawa family and it was really good to return and talk with them for a little bit. They helped us find Maxwell and Larissa, two people that Elder Jenkins and I baptized. It was just a fantastic day, all except for the fact that we lost Elder Christakis e Elder Da Silva. We completely forgot about the fact that neither of them had a phone chip so it was impossible for them to get service to call. In the end everything ended well. We all got home safely and we began preparing for the next day.

Woke up and went to the bus station to go to Palmeira. We completely forgot about the devotional with President that morning because of the travel. We got to Palmeira, ate Stroganoff, and went to work. It was a hot day, but pretty chill as well. I was with Elder Moak e Elder Fredrickson and we passed by some people and we taught a family of 13 all in Spanish or in my case Portanol. They said that they would go to church so let's pray that it happens. We then hitched a ride with Cris, who took us back to Ponta Grossa.

We went to Jardim Verona where I was with Elder Peterson and Elder Dias. We walked a ton that day, but it was really fun to be with them. We had many laughs and taught a lot of people. 

Woke up at 3:30am to get to the bus to go to the temple. I slept like a baby on that bus until we got there. After the temple and another 2 hour bus ride, we finally arrive back in Ponta Grossa where we ate at Jeronimos…not that great if I'm being honest. Anyway, Elder Christakis and I (we should be companions in the future) back at it again. This time we were battling the devil. We spent the whole day helping people who accepted baptism, but got scared, or nervous, or etc. So we were ubering around Ponta Grossa doing our best to help people. We also had an activity to be at, so we got there and I saw so many people that I helped like the Lüders, Apolo, Misael, Eduardo, Dudu, and Leo. I was so happy to see all of them. While there, there was this boy named Daniel who was supposed to be baptized with his family, but he wasn't for some reason and Elder Christakis and I felt strongly that we needed to talk with him. We grabbed him and his sisters and his girlfriend and we went into a room and we started teaching about Christ and his love for us and about baptism. We all felt the Spirit very strong in the room and then we asked him if he was feeling it too, and he said no. In that moment the Spirit left and a bad feeling filled the room. Elder Christakis and I kept talking and reading a few scriptures together. We brought the Spirit back and it was so strong to the point that we knew his exact thoughts. We all kneeled down to pray and he started to cry, but he couldn't bring himself to pray. We sang the hymn ‘Nearer my God to Thee’ and after he said a short and simple prayer. He then had a change of heart right there and he accepted our help to change his life and follow Christ. 

We missed our first bus back to Curitiba, but luckily the next bus was leaving in an hour so it was all good. When we finally got home we planned and then got a quick lunch and went to work. There was a lot that needed to be done. Sadly, Jessika’s mom wouldn’t let us talk to her, so that made us sad. The rest of the day was good.

We brought Thais to church and she loved it. We all then had lunch at Bispo’s house. It was good food and it was fun to be there. After, we went back to our area to work up until the night where we found a really cool Cuban family who really liked us. They said that my Spanish is good so TOMA! I can speak some Spanish and understand pretty decently now. 

That was basically the week. Today is going to be more of a chill day because this is the last week of the transfers now, so we will see what all happens. Thanks for tuning in!. Até o próximo!

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5...Seguirei; March 3, 2025; 1st Assistant to the President, Brasil Curitiba Mission

  Welp another week has passed and lets get into this one. Tuesday: Uberaba We went to Uberaba with Elder Reid and Elder Soto, well we actua...