Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Quick Update: November 18, 2024, Traveling; Assistant to the President

 Okay, well its been a hot second since i have written, so here is whats up.

These past weeks have just been busy. We have been traveling like crazy. We were in Ponta Grossa and went up to Castro, Tibagi, and Telemaco. It was really fun because we were able to help with some of the people they were helping get baptized. We also had a barbecue while we were there. I would go into more detail however I don't remember much. I feel like the older that I get on the mission the more things begin to blur together. There were a ton of emergency transfers, one of which happened today. Elder Loertscher, our financial secretary and one of the missionaries who showed up with me, was transferred to a service mission because he got really sick here on the mission and he wasn't getting better. He wanted to wait until the end of the transfer, but he couldn't and he left today. It was pretty sad, but he will be able to get better treatment there in Texas. Texas better watch out because they are going to receive one of the best missionaries we had. He made a big impact in the mission and he will be remembered. Other that that not too much else has been going on. Tomorrow we will head back out to Ponta Grossa, so that'll be fun. 

I almost forgot. In our area we were able to bring a family to church. The family of Edinei, Alessandra, e Jesika live in the bairro Prado Velho and we found them trying to find another person. They came to church this sunday and they loved it. They said that they want to bring the rest of the family, which has 12 more people who didn't go. They are super open and they have a lot of faith. Jessika is already connected with a member and already plans on being a part of the church. We got super excited for her and her mom is all on board. Sadly, we are only in our area for the weekends, but the members offered to help them out while we're not there. Ala 2, is an amazing ward with great people who truly want to help. So yeah that's basically it.

I'll have more for you all next time.

Baptisms in Telemaco

Baptisms in Tibagi

Elder Rodrigues sleeping on the bus to Ponta Grossa

Waiting for our bus at 22:40h

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5...Seguirei; March 3, 2025; 1st Assistant to the President, Brasil Curitiba Mission

  Welp another week has passed and lets get into this one. Tuesday: Uberaba We went to Uberaba with Elder Reid and Elder Soto, well we actua...