Wednesday, February 19, 2025

O Senhor de Toda Bencao; February 17, 2024; 1st Assistant to the President, Missao Brasil Curitiba

 Let me begin by saying that the Lord is great. He is wonderful and wonderful are his works. He truly knows how to bless and how to help people. He truly has power to work miracles. Let me catch y'all up on the crazy past two weeks.

We started off the week with the new missionary training in person. We gave a training and then President Bikman spoke and then we spoke with the trainers. It was cool to hear about all of their experiences. Then we ate lunch at Garom (It's a cheap buffet livre we eat at anytime we are at the escritório. Then we went home, packed our bags and raced to the bus station. We almost missed the bus, but we made it. Our first stop on this long ride was Ponta Grossa!

Ponta Grossa!
So there we were, arriving in Ponta Grossa at 16h. We go to the LZ's house and we wait for probably 15 minutes until they arrive. We leave our stuff and split. I went with Elder Eyring (yes he is the Grandson of President Eyring) and we went and visited some old members and some people who have gone to church and during that time we met an awesome girl. We were trying to find her mom, however, Elisa came out and spoke with us. We spoke for a little bit and then she started opening up and we all felt the Spirit strongly present. She said that her grandmother had recently passed away and that she was praying for comfort from God. We ended up leaving a Book of Mormon with her and she gave us drawings that she drew. It was really special moment. That night we ate a Pizza Train(just a big pizza)

The next day we divided with the Dalcol Elders, and Elder Mortenson and I just went to work visiting people I used to know. I saw all my boys that I helped baptize! Apolo, Misael, Dudu, Eduardo, Bianca, Leo, and a few others. They all jumped on top of me and gave me a big hug. It was really nice to see them all again. It's crazy to think that it's been over a year since I was there. We then ran into one of my favorite families, Rubiane, Emerson, and Nicole! We spoke with them and they bought us food. It was so nice to see them again and to talk about a lot of things. Wish them the best as they continue to expand their shop! Also on this day I began to get sick. This is important to note that it began on this Wednesday in particular.

Thursday we went with the other Elders of Dalcol and it was awesome. I was with Elder Glauser from Alaska! Turns out his dad is like a super crazy hunter who had his own show at some point. Anyway, it was really fun working and talking and visiting a bunch of people. This day I had a horrible cough and was basically working in Zombie mode. When we got back to the LZ’s house, Elder Eyring was in bed very very sick. Elder Fisher had given him a blessing, but he was still with a very bad fever and body chills. I broke into the Elder Hyatt pharmacy and pulled out a bunch of medication to treat all his symptoms and to knock him out. He took them all and slept like a rock. I also took them all and slept.
Friday and Elder Eyring woke up at 90% and had no pain nothing. He thanked me and gave me a hug, while I got worse. I basically lost my voice, but other than that my body was fine. I felt like when you put your phone on low battery mode. I was basically just following Elder Pincay and Elder Ribeiro. It was a great day, but I was so dead and it was so hot. I started to basically drink the Halls cough drops to just stop coughing. My tongue felt like it had a layer of cough drop. That night I got a blessing from the boys and slept.

Telêmaco Borba! 
Saturday morning we got on a bus to Telêmaco Borba. I was still sick, but doing better by that time. We got up there and ate lunch at Bom Prato. It was good and then I went with Elder Lima where we visited a bunch of people and confirmed them for church. Then we went home and slept.
Sunday we brought people to church and then I went with Elder Brown and we found some cool people. It was a pretty chill Sunday where I was still dying in Zombie mode.
Monday, we played keep away with a volleyball and got haircuts and then got on a bus to Tibagi.

We arrived and got an Uber to their house because it was so hot. I got a lot better, but still had a very bad cough. We relaxed the rest of the time until we got back to the road and visited a few people. 
Tuesday I went with Elder Boblett where we were basically running around half of the city trying to find some people, but with no success. We then decided to visit a less active family and turns out they were praying for help and we appeared. It was such a spiritual moment. They then said that they had more family that lived in the Vila. We went up to the Vila and then we came across this family. They let us in and we started talking about the church. They then confessed that minutes before we arrive they were fighting and screaming and there was no peace in the home. Then we knocked and they said the Lord sent his angels to help them. We felt so much love and spirit in the house with them. We also learned that their kids were baptized 2 years back however the parents wanted to be baptized, but weren't married at the time. We invited them to get married and baptized and they got super excited and started grabbing their documents so we could help them. This Friday they will be married and baptized! I'm so happy for them!

Wednesday we got on a bus to Castro. We got there and met up with Elder Paramore and Elder Groscost, we went to lunch and then split. I was with Elder Paramore and it was a great day. We were laughing and having a great time the whole time. That night we got a meter long pizza and it was so good!

Thursday we went with the other Elders of Castro and I went with Elder Letner. We talked a lot about planes and flying it was great. We also found some really good families and people that we were able to help that day. We then got on a Van and returned to Curitiba that night.

Campo Largo!
Friday we kept our suitcases packed because we then went out to Campo Largo. We got there and hit the road. I went with Elder Jackson who was starting to get sick. We were working in the sun and the humidity and boy were we sweating. Our friend Artur came to church to play soccer with the members and he loved it. He is really cool.
Saturday I went with Elder Benjamim and we helped all the people who were preparing for baptism. We also fasted during that time and truly we saw the miracles of the Lord. 

Flex Time!
Who said an AP can't baptize? We helped 11 people be baptized and I worked my butt off to help these 11. I will not lie it truly was not easy because the Devil was really trying not to let them get this blessing in their lives. From hour long interviews, to lies being told to them, to reading the scriptures to prove the why, to recognizing the hand of the Lord and bringing them to church. It was a fight, but it was amazing and all so worth it. I would've gotten in the water, but the new missionaries need the experience hahaha.

I truly love all these people, but shout-out to Irmã Cida who stopped smoking 3 boxes of cigarettes a day to 0 in only a couple weeks. That's the power of the Lord and his perfect Gospel!

I love this work, this mission, this opportunity that I have had to serve and to continue to serve. It has truly been and still is a marvelous experience. I think all the time to these scriptures:

3 Nephi 5:13 - Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

D&C 4:2-5 - O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day. Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work; For behold the field is white already to harvest; and lo, he that thrusteth in his sickle with his might, the same layeth up in store that he perisheth not, but bringeth salvation to his soul; And faith, hope, charity and love, with an eye single to the glory of God, qualify him for the work.

Moroni 9:6 - And now, my beloved son, notwithstanding their hardness, let us labor diligently; for if we should cease to labor, we should be brought under condemnation; for we have a labor to perform whilst in this tabernacle of clay, that we may conquer the enemy of all righteousness, and rest our souls in the kingdom of God.

Jacob 1:19 - And we did magnify our office unto the Lord, taking upon us the responsibility, answering the sins of the people upon our own heads if we did not teach them the word of God with all diligence; wherefore, by laboring with our might their blood might not come upon our garments; otherwise their blood would come upon our garments, and we would not be found spotless at the last day.

D&C 18:14-16 - Wherefore, you are called to cry repentance unto this people. And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father! And now, if your joy will be great with one soul that you have brought unto me into the kingdom of my Father, how great will be your joy if you should bring many souls unto me!

Alma 36:24 - Yea, and from that time even until now, I have labored without ceasing, that I might bring souls unto repentance; that I might bring them to taste of the exceeding joy of which I did taste; that they might also be born of God, and be filled with the Holy Ghost.

Alma 29:9 - I know that which the Lord hath commanded me, and I glory in it. I do not glory of myself, but I glory in that which the Lord hath commanded me; yea, and this is my glory, that perhaps I may be an instrument in the hands of God to bring some soul to repentance; and this is my joy.

Until next time
~Elder Hyatt

Time is Flying! February 3, 2025; 1st Assistant to the President; Curitiba, Brasil

 Okay well, I decided to write an email very late. 

Anyway how is everyone? I'm doing well, just another week flew by. I'm sorry if there isn't a lot that I transfer over in my emails. By the time p-day comes around I forget a lot of stuff. To sum up the week:
  • Failed trying to get my RG. That was a sad day that took up my entire day.
  • Had a long day after I did a baptismal interview and the person just said, “You know what, no I don't want to because I like to do these wrong things.”
  • Elder Edwards and I ran the Mission Devocional because President and Sister Bikman were in São Paulo
  • Went to Tamandaré again and we brought a lot of people to a game night and had a Baptism of our friend Carlos
  • I went to the poorest area that I have ever seen, but it was actually sad.
  • Also nursed my buddy Elder Toronto back to health and had many spiritual moments during the process. It was great.
Anyway that is basically it for this week. Next week I'll be in Ponta Grossa and then Telemaco Borba so we shall see what happens. Take care everyone!
Ok, bem, decidi escrever um e-mail bem tarde. De qualquer forma, como estão todos? 

Estou bem, apenas mais uma semana passou voando. Peço desculpas se não há muito o que eu transfiro nesses e-mails. Quando chega P-day, esqueço muitas coisas. Para resumir a semana:
  • Falha ao tentar obter meu RG. Foi um dia triste que ocupou meu dia inteiro.
  • Tive um longo dia depois que fiz uma entrevista batismal e a pessoa simplesmente disse: "Sabe de uma coisa, não, eu não quero porque gosto de fazer essas coisas erradas".
  • O Élder Edwards e eu dirigimos a Missão Devocional porque o Presidente e Sister Bikman estavam em São Paulo
  • Fomos a Tamandaré novamente e trouxemos muitas pessoas para uma noite de jogos e fizemos um batismo do nosso amigo Carlos
  • Fui para a área mais pobre que já vi, mas foi realmente triste.
  • Também cuidei do meu amigo Élder Toronto até que ele recuperasse a saúde e tive muitos momentos espirituais durante o processo. Foi ótimo.
 De qualquer forma, é basicamente isso por esta semana. Semana que vem estarei em Ponta Grossa e depois em Telêmaco Borba, então veremos o que acontece. Cuidem-se todos!

Lost in the Work, January 20, 2025; Traveling; 1st Assistant to the President

 It's been about a month since I've written anything and that's because I've been lost in the work. Honestly so much has happened. I've gone to Telemaco Borba and back, gone out to Ponta Grossa, picked up the new missionaries, and started a brand new transfer. It's just been very busy. Anyway, here are some little details.

  • I am on the base to final right now (If you've studied Aviation you'd understand) it's weird because I took some of my friends and one of my old companions to the airport and watched them go home. I know the time is approaching, but it doesn't feel real.🛫
  • Okay we are officially the missionary Hobos. We don't have an área so we now spend more time sleeping in the houses of others than our own. 
  • There are two new secretaries so now the Staff house has 7 guys in it, at least the two are brasillian.🇧🇷
  • Christmas was fun. I don't remember if I already sent an email out about Christmas, but it was cool because we did like a spirit week but for the Mission. Everyday had a challenge and then at the end we made a large video of everyone in the mission. It was fun.🎄
  • We accidentally broke the washing machine, so that was a smelly week 🙃
  • I bought new fancy shoes!! 👞
  • Our water heater no longer works, so it's just ice cold showers in the morning now.🥶
  • Pizza has been a common theme this week🍕
  • We went to the Templo
  • Baptized 6 this Sunday, 2 last Sunday, and a few others throughout the weeks.🌊🔥
  • I helped marry someone for the first time💍
  • Got to see a lot of people that I helped throughout my mission. It's been awesome!
  • Ran a division with Elder Rodrigues where we saw some of the people that I worked with. After that the Sisters of Bom Retiro asked us to pass by an eternal friend where we spent a whole hour trying to figure out the problem after which she finally accepted to be baptized. It was awesome and she was Baptized Sunday. 

Sorry that this is Chaotic, but I needed to catch everyone up and also I was tired today. This next week will be fun because we have Zone Conferences and we are going to be all over that mission. Anyway I'll catch y'all in the next one 🏄🏽‍♂️

Chama e Toma; December 16, 2024, Traveling; 1st Assistant to the President

 Okay this is gonna be a quick update!

New transfer I am now Assistant 1. My new companion is Elder Edwards! Apparently some of his family members live in Cape Girardeau and faz parte de nossa ala! So that's cool! Last week was a crazy week where we visited a lot of the leaders of the mission. My mission son Elder Cutler is now a Zone Leader and it was fun to see him work again. I now have another generation in the Elder Hyatt family line thanks to Elder Hiatt who is now training Elder Johnson. Here is the family foto.

After that week we came to Ponta Grossa, where we stayed with Elder Fisher and Elder Christakis. They are the Zone Leaders out here and it was a super fun week. I ran into many people from my past areas and it was awesome to see them. I feel bad because I don't have the pictures, but I know that they have the pictures so I'm happy! I also got to go to Palmeira and it was fun working with them in a small city. 

My giant umbrella because I am tired of the rain

There is definitely a lot more that I could add and say, but p-day flew by. Anyway I'll try to do better catching everyone up. Até o próximo, Até o fim!!

"Sending Love from Curitiba", Letter to Elder Hyatt from Juliana Heleodoro; December 8, 2024

 Dear Elder Peabody and Hyatt,

I hope this email finds you both happy and thriving on your mission. My boys and I miss you so much! Life hasn’t been the same since you left, but we’re doing well and carrying on the beautiful spiritual momentum you helped us build.

The boys are still faithfully attending church every Sunday, and we’ve already been to the temple twice since their baptism. It has been such a blessing to see them continue growing in their faith. Gabriel has been baptizing others and you should see the pride he takes on doing it. They’re also starting to warm up more to the boys from church, especially Gabriel. In fact, it was Gabriel’s birthday on the 3rd, (the same day I left the hospital from my back surgery) and we managed to put together a last-minute celebration. Amazingly, five boys from church came, and it was such a wonderful experience for him! He has also told me he will be attending seminary school next semester. I just hope Noah follows his big brother's steps. 

You may not remember, but my dear friend from Sweden, the one whose daughter Maria was facing serious mental health struggles, has had her life completely turned around thanks to you reaching out to the sisters there. After getting to know the sisters and attending church, Maria has not had to return to the hospital. In fact, she was recently baptized! Her mom and stepdad are now preparing to follow in her footsteps. The impact you’ve made is immeasurable, and we are all so grateful for the love and light you brought into their lives.

We will always remember you, and you will forever have a place to come back to in Curitiba! While the new missionaries here are sweet and kind, they’re still getting to know my boys. Let’s just say they’re not quite as patient yet with their jokes, attempts to change the subject, or strategic bathroom hideouts during lessons. 😊

Thank you for everything you’ve done for our family and for the lives you’ve touched. We miss you, we pray for you, and we can’t wait to see you again someday.

With love and gratitude,
Juliana & the Boys ❤️

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Rush Week; November 25, 2024; Traveling, Assistant to the President

 Hello and welcome back to another email from Elder Hyatt. This time I have so much more to say, so let's dive into it.

So on the last p-day we went bowling after saying goodbye to Elder Loertscher. That night we had a family night at the house of a member in Prado Velho. Jessika, the girl who wants to be baptized, came with her cousin Thais and they really enjoyed it. They stuck with Angel and Aaron, our Venezuelan friends about their same age, and they were laughing and having fun the entire time. We also got pizza and it was a fun and great start of the week.

Woke up really early and got on a bus back to Ponta Grossa. While on the bus we remembered that Elder Christakis e Elder Amaral asked us to give a presentation to their zone. So we put something together on the bus while we were both half awake and half asleep. When we got there the training went very well and the zone really liked it. We then left and got lunch at Gorillão, a hamburger restaurant. It was really good and filling, highly recommended. Anyway, Elder Christakis and I then went to Uvaranas where we taught a single mom of two kids who just recently gave birth and she started to cry saying that she knew that we were sent by God as a response to her prayers. We then divided with Elder Pavez e Elder Da Silva, and I went with Elder Pavez. We got to the neighborhood Coronel Cláudio where I ran into a bunch of youth that I taught over a year ago now. I think the coolest thing was that they all remembered me and gave me hugs. Erika, a girl I taught over a year ago, asked to be baptized and so Elder Pavez and we marked her baptism for Sunday. I was so happy. It was awesome to be able to return to an old area. I also swung by the Udagawa family and it was really good to return and talk with them for a little bit. They helped us find Maxwell and Larissa, two people that Elder Jenkins and I baptized. It was just a fantastic day, all except for the fact that we lost Elder Christakis e Elder Da Silva. We completely forgot about the fact that neither of them had a phone chip so it was impossible for them to get service to call. In the end everything ended well. We all got home safely and we began preparing for the next day.

Woke up and went to the bus station to go to Palmeira. We completely forgot about the devotional with President that morning because of the travel. We got to Palmeira, ate Stroganoff, and went to work. It was a hot day, but pretty chill as well. I was with Elder Moak e Elder Fredrickson and we passed by some people and we taught a family of 13 all in Spanish or in my case Portanol. They said that they would go to church so let's pray that it happens. We then hitched a ride with Cris, who took us back to Ponta Grossa.

We went to Jardim Verona where I was with Elder Peterson and Elder Dias. We walked a ton that day, but it was really fun to be with them. We had many laughs and taught a lot of people. 

Woke up at 3:30am to get to the bus to go to the temple. I slept like a baby on that bus until we got there. After the temple and another 2 hour bus ride, we finally arrive back in Ponta Grossa where we ate at Jeronimos…not that great if I'm being honest. Anyway, Elder Christakis and I (we should be companions in the future) back at it again. This time we were battling the devil. We spent the whole day helping people who accepted baptism, but got scared, or nervous, or etc. So we were ubering around Ponta Grossa doing our best to help people. We also had an activity to be at, so we got there and I saw so many people that I helped like the Lüders, Apolo, Misael, Eduardo, Dudu, and Leo. I was so happy to see all of them. While there, there was this boy named Daniel who was supposed to be baptized with his family, but he wasn't for some reason and Elder Christakis and I felt strongly that we needed to talk with him. We grabbed him and his sisters and his girlfriend and we went into a room and we started teaching about Christ and his love for us and about baptism. We all felt the Spirit very strong in the room and then we asked him if he was feeling it too, and he said no. In that moment the Spirit left and a bad feeling filled the room. Elder Christakis and I kept talking and reading a few scriptures together. We brought the Spirit back and it was so strong to the point that we knew his exact thoughts. We all kneeled down to pray and he started to cry, but he couldn't bring himself to pray. We sang the hymn ‘Nearer my God to Thee’ and after he said a short and simple prayer. He then had a change of heart right there and he accepted our help to change his life and follow Christ. 

We missed our first bus back to Curitiba, but luckily the next bus was leaving in an hour so it was all good. When we finally got home we planned and then got a quick lunch and went to work. There was a lot that needed to be done. Sadly, Jessika’s mom wouldn’t let us talk to her, so that made us sad. The rest of the day was good.

We brought Thais to church and she loved it. We all then had lunch at Bispo’s house. It was good food and it was fun to be there. After, we went back to our area to work up until the night where we found a really cool Cuban family who really liked us. They said that my Spanish is good so TOMA! I can speak some Spanish and understand pretty decently now. 

That was basically the week. Today is going to be more of a chill day because this is the last week of the transfers now, so we will see what all happens. Thanks for tuning in!. Até o próximo!

Quick Update: November 18, 2024, Traveling; Assistant to the President

 Okay, well its been a hot second since i have written, so here is whats up.

These past weeks have just been busy. We have been traveling like crazy. We were in Ponta Grossa and went up to Castro, Tibagi, and Telemaco. It was really fun because we were able to help with some of the people they were helping get baptized. We also had a barbecue while we were there. I would go into more detail however I don't remember much. I feel like the older that I get on the mission the more things begin to blur together. There were a ton of emergency transfers, one of which happened today. Elder Loertscher, our financial secretary and one of the missionaries who showed up with me, was transferred to a service mission because he got really sick here on the mission and he wasn't getting better. He wanted to wait until the end of the transfer, but he couldn't and he left today. It was pretty sad, but he will be able to get better treatment there in Texas. Texas better watch out because they are going to receive one of the best missionaries we had. He made a big impact in the mission and he will be remembered. Other that that not too much else has been going on. Tomorrow we will head back out to Ponta Grossa, so that'll be fun. 

I almost forgot. In our area we were able to bring a family to church. The family of Edinei, Alessandra, e Jesika live in the bairro Prado Velho and we found them trying to find another person. They came to church this sunday and they loved it. They said that they want to bring the rest of the family, which has 12 more people who didn't go. They are super open and they have a lot of faith. Jessika is already connected with a member and already plans on being a part of the church. We got super excited for her and her mom is all on board. Sadly, we are only in our area for the weekends, but the members offered to help them out while we're not there. Ala 2, is an amazing ward with great people who truly want to help. So yeah that's basically it.

I'll have more for you all next time.

Baptisms in Telemaco

Baptisms in Tibagi

Elder Rodrigues sleeping on the bus to Ponta Grossa

Waiting for our bus at 22:40h

5...Seguirei; March 3, 2025; 1st Assistant to the President, Brasil Curitiba Mission

  Welp another week has passed and lets get into this one. Tuesday: Uberaba We went to Uberaba with Elder Reid and Elder Soto, well we actua...