Tuesday, October 3, 2023

6 Months!!; Mission Week 27; Area: Uvaranas, Pontas Grossa, PR, Brasil

 Hey howdy hey during this past week I passed 6 months here on the mission. I'll tall about things I've learned towards the end.

This past week has been great. Elder Jenkins and I have basically been "running" everywhere talking with people and meeting families and members of the church. It's  been great because Elder Jenkins has kinda been throwing me under the bus helping me get better. It may sound like it's horrible, but it's been very beneficial because I've been learning how to teach and help people better in a manner that is clearer and simple. I at times complecate things and this whole week has been Elder Jenkins just telling me to be simpler. I have been seeing the difference though and it's been great to help me build more confidence and actually trust in myself and what I know. This week has also been great because we got to go visit some people with the new Bishop. (A Bishop is like a pastor and nothing like a pastor. He doesn't own the church, but is a member who was asked to serve for 5 years volunteering and helping all the members of the ward. They do not get paid and they don't get anything different except they have a responsibility to help the members of the church.) So we got to go out and visit with Bispo Thales and Irmรฃo Teru and man was it awesome. They both carry so much spirit with them and truly know how to help and connect with people. 

We also went to the temple this week and helped the Sisters in their area where we found members who recently moved to their area and they didn't know there was a church nearby. It's was great talking with them and I got to get a picture holding a real fencing sword that was made from France, pretty cool right. 

This past Saturday and Sunday we had General Conference. It's when the Prophet, Apostles, men and women of the church give brief discussions about Jesus Christ and how His gospel can help and change our lives in multiple different ways including in the home and with family. It is always such a wonderful opportunity and since I've been on the mission I've been studying all the past Conference talks and they truly offer guidance and help when you need it. If you want to listen to some you can download an app called Gospel Library (Biblioteca do Evangelho). Trust me it's awesome. Anyway, we were going and watching Conference with many people throughout the day. Sunday after the last session of General Conference we had the baptism of Larissa e Maxwell. It was a blessing because Maxwell and Larissa fought before we got to the church and so Maxwell wasn't not in the best mood, but Elder Jenkins got on his knees with him and they said a prayer together and his mood changed to being so happy. Italo (one of the youth in the ward preparing to serve a mission next year) was there and had the opportunity to baptize Larissa. It was funny because we didn't have enough time to fill up the font all the way with water and we forgot to turn the heater on, so it was a little cold ๐Ÿ˜…. It went very well however and they both really enjoyed it. Yeah that was basically my week.

Anyway the past 6 months:

Man when I think about the time I realize it has flown by. It only seems like yesterday I was with Elder Cutler in the MTC and now I'm starting the last week of my 4th transfer. Man it's strange to think about, and honestly I've had a wonderful experience so far and have learned many things from many people and my companions. I had thought about explaining it all here and now, but with the limited time that I have left today it will have to wait until my 1 year mark. I would like to reflect on this transfer and what I plan to work on and take with me into the rest of the mission. This transfer with Elder Jenkins has been great and necessary. As I have explained I truly needed his help for the betterment of my own self. My focus has been adjusted. What I mean by that is my purpose here and who I am and who I want to become. Our whole purpose on this earth is to become like Christ, but I realized just how little I was actually doing to achieve that goal. We study the scriptures daily and let me tell you how much it has changed my mornings and has given me the guidance I have needed daily. Now we don't have anything in specific to study, but just studying in general helps. My main focus over the past 2-3 weeks has been on Christ-like attributes, and how much I lacked them. I never realized how important it is to have Charity, the pure love of Christ, not just for some people but for all people and yourself. The concept of Charity is so much more important than we realize, but I'll leave it at that for now. 

Today I was studying Humility, well it began with Humility and quickly changed into a study of Pride๐Ÿ˜…. Anyway let's begin with Humility. To be humble is to recognize gratefully our dependence on the Lord. It is the acknowledgement that our talents and abilities are gifts from God. It is an indication that we know where our true strength lies. In the literal definition it means, 'to make meek and teachable, or the condition of being meek and teachable.' Humility is a sign of spiritual strength because you are fully trusting in the will of the Lord. When you humbly trust Him and acknowledge His power and mercy you can have the assurance that his commandments are for your good. You are confident that you can do whatever the Lord requires of you. You are willing to trust His chosen servants and follow their council. I know that being humble is not easy because it is so natural to be Prideful. It's funny to think about since everyone makes it seem like there are two types of pride. Pride in yourself and Pride for something such as like school, family, etc.. Pride is a very misunderstood sin, and many are sinning in ignorance. In the scriptures there is no such thing as righteous Pride. It is always considered a sin. Therefore no matter how people may use the term, we must understand and realize how God uses the term. Pride is to put greater trust in oneself. Pride is competitive. Pride is to seek to have more and presume that you are better than other people. Pride is characterized by 'What do I want out of life?' rather than by 'What would God have me do with my life?' It is Self-will as opposed to God's will. The proud wish God would agree with them. They aren't interested in changing their opinions to agree with God. "Pride doesn't look up to God and care about what is right. It looks sideways to man and argues who is right."- President Ezra Taft Benson. I know this was a lot, but truly stop and think about what you are doing. Are you caught up in your own Pride? Are you submitting to the Lord even through the toughest times? Are you Humble? I would beseech all to contemplate what you are doing and what you can do to be more meek and lowly of heart and more grateful. 

Anyway here are some scriptures I was reading and studying when I had these thoughts: John 5:30; James 4:6,10; Alma 5: 27-28; Mosiah 4:11-12.

Anyway I finally made a Google fotos thing so here is the link: https://photos.app.goo.gl/RsbD9gUFvaoUHSvJ6


1 comment:

  1. I love hearing from you. Keep the good work


5...Seguirei; March 3, 2025; 1st Assistant to the President, Brasil Curitiba Mission

  Welp another week has passed and lets get into this one. Tuesday: Uberaba We went to Uberaba with Elder Reid and Elder Soto, well we actua...