Saturday, July 22, 2023

First Transfer; Mission Week 16; Area: 31 de Marco to Uvaranas; Ponta Grossa, PR, Brasil

 Welp, I've been transferred. I'm now in a neighboring area with a new companion who is a District Leader so now not only do we go out and teach we now worry and take care of all the Elders and Sisters in our district. I'm quickly getting more responsibilities. My new companion is Elder Gull from Utah, but he has been out for over a year now. So we shall see what new stories come from us now in this new transfer.

This past week flew by with both a lot, but also not much happening. It's funny to say but we had 2 baptisms. One was a Venezuelan woman whose husband had the opportunity to baptize her, so that was great to be apart of. The other baptism was Saturday and was an 8 year old girl whom Douglas (one of our great youth) was able to baptize. 

Throughout the week we were visiting a lot of recent members and helping them in any and all ways that we could. We got the opportunity to bring a boy to the temple for the first time and he loved it. It's honestly been a blast in this area.

I wish I had more to say but we got called Saturday and we spent the rest of the evening checking in on everyone that we wanted to say goodbye too. They pulled us Elders out and have moved in Sisters, so yeah, kinda sad, but it'll still be fine. Being with a district leader means I'll have plenty of opportunities to return to my starting area and see some of the people again. Anyway that's basically it.

I got moved to Uvaranas which is the neighboring area. It is a lot larger and now we live about 45 minute walk from the church rather than a 5 minute walk, but that's ok. Anyway I'll hopefully be able to update more next week after I get all settled and have time to put everything down into proper words. Anyway until next week!

Elder Hyatt

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5...Seguirei; March 3, 2025; 1st Assistant to the President, Brasil Curitiba Mission

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