Firstly, thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday. It was a great and busy day, but very fun. I didn't have time last week to write an email so I'll do my best to cover all my bases.
Last week passed by pretty fast with some funny moments. We ended up doing two splits, one with Elder Cutler and Elder Johnston and the other with Elder Trickett. They were busy days of contacting and talking with members. I would say more about the week, but honestly there was a lot going on and not anything too crazy or important to share.
On last P-day we had a birthday churrasco for me and Elder Abreu (his birthday was on the 4th). We had a fun time with all the other Elderes as we played American football and cooked all kinds of meat out of a washing basin. Yep, we made a grill out of a washing basin and cooked food. It was great and then I was surprised by Bispo Jonatas and his family when they brought out a cake for me. It was a great birthday. (Birthday Party - AJR playing in my head)
This week was busy, but nothing too interesting either. Except for the past 5 weeks I've had Christmas songs stuck in my head because Elder Blackburn is always singing Christmas songs and loves Christmas. Literally 'Christmas in June'-AJR.
Oh yeah, the Stake divided last Sunday and now we have new leaderships and will be getting a new Bispo for 31 de Marco so that will be interesting.
This Sunday we had an interesting experience where a man followed us to church. He was high and smelled like he wet himself, but he walked all the way to church and stayed. He was planning on staying but he left before sacrament and started crying because of how he smelled and how dirty he felt, but he asked if he could come to church next Sunday so let's hope he wants to.
I wish I had more to say, but we are currently eating lunch at a members house.
I'll update you all more next week.
1. A group of kids that asked for Books of Mormon
2. Elder Trickett put this puppy from the Invasão in his bag.
3. Some people I met had a baritone but a tuba mouthpiece.
4. Our birthday churrasco (BBQ) grill built out of a washing basin
5. Us with Mateus, Ariane, e Yan
6,7,8. Our lunch today
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