Opa so last email I said I got transfered to Uvaranas. It is definitely different, not bad, just strange since I spent basically 3 months in my first area. I will say the first couple of days I was trying to get used to the new area and now I got it down alright. Our apartment is almost out of our area, haha. We are about 45 minutes from the church and man it is very hilly. It feels like I'm climbing a mountain at parts because of how steep it can be. The ward is smaller than the other two and from what I've learned it's a harder area to work in. Since being here in the Uvaranas ward I now have a new mission goal for all my future areas. I want to strengthen the wards to work with the new members and visit the people who are interested as well as build a strong youth group like in Jardim Florença ward. The youth helped us out so much and if it wasn't for all their hard work and tolerance with us we wouldn't have had as much of a success as we did. So that's my goal for every area from here on out so we shall see how well that goes.
Friday, July 28, 2023
Music Man and Cats; Mission Week 17; Area: Uvaranas, Ponta Grossa, PR, Brasil
Saturday, July 22, 2023
First Transfer; Mission Week 16; Area: 31 de Marco to Uvaranas; Ponta Grossa, PR, Brasil
Welp, I've been transferred. I'm now in a neighboring area with a new companion who is a District Leader so now not only do we go out and teach we now worry and take care of all the Elders and Sisters in our district. I'm quickly getting more responsibilities. My new companion is Elder Gull from Utah, but he has been out for over a year now. So we shall see what new stories come from us now in this new transfer.
Saturday, July 15, 2023
Birthday! ; Mission Weeks 14 & 15; Area: 31 de Marco; Ponta Grossa, Brasil
Firstly, thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday. It was a great and busy day, but very fun. I didn't have time last week to write an email so I'll do my best to cover all my bases.
Saturday, July 1, 2023
"Is it difficult to love?"; Discourse given on 25 June 2023; Ala 31 de Marco, Ponta Grossa, Brasil
Good morning brothers and sisters. I am Elder Hyatt and I am from the United States from a place called Missouri which is right in the middle of the United States. I grew up on a small farm area, basically in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by trees and larger farms. To get to my house you have to descend a small road and our house is tucked away in the back. Now when you first turn onto my small narrow lane, you will first notice a row of mailboxes to your right and directly behind them there used to stand an old shack. In that shack lived an old man, Bud, who would sit outside everyday and smoke. When we first moved there we didn't know the man, but we always saw him mow the grass, remove the weeds, take care of his little garden, and clean the mailboxes for everyone. After a little under a year living there my parents decided to visit him, and began to visit him a few times over the years that we lived there, however, I never knew that until about 5 years ago.
One year sometime before Christmas my mom asked me to deliver him some food that she had prepared. I told her that I didn't want to go because I didn't know the guy and that I was uncomfortable going. Well, she made me go. I went to his old shack and the man opened the door with a face of surprise. He looked at me and asked if I was Doctor Hyatt's son, and I told him yes. He smiled and then noticed that I brought him some food. I watched as that man shed a single tear and proceeded to tell me how for many years he has just lived alone in his shack and no one ever visited him or gave him anything until my parents showed up one day. He said he never forgot the first day and how happy it made him. That day I felt pure joy.
It is sad to say that he passed away a few years back, But I was blessed to have the opportunity to talk to him a little more before then. Before I met the man I never wanted to talk to him. I always saw him outside smoking and I judged him for that, but I stand before you all now, a few years after, and I still miss him.
Jesus Christ said, "A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another as I have loved you." Brothers and Sisters I'd like you to ponder about this simple commandment, and then ponder this question, "Is it hard to Love?" What is love? Love is charity. Love is simple acts of kindness. Love is serving others.
In the words of Joseph Smith, " Love is one of the chief characteristics of Deity, and ought to be manifested by those who aspire to be the sons of God. A man filled with the love of God, is not content with blessing his family alone, but ranges through the whole world anxious to bless the whole human race." Brothers and Sisters don't be like younger me who saw that old man everyday for 4 years and didn't once stop to think about him or even wanted to get to know him. Follow the example of my parents. Their simple acts of kindness and compassion made his day. He never forgot the little things my parents had done for him. I never forgot that first encounter I had with him for it was a life-changing experience.
Always remember the words of King Benjamin,"When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God." As we devote our time and our talents to anyone, we are showing love; for love without service is like faith without works, it is dead.
Brothers and sisters is it hard to say hello and to give a smile? Is it hard not to judge a person by their appearance, by their acts, or what they say? Is it hard to take 10-20 minutes out of your day and just get to know someone? Serving others does not imply laboring for them, it means to put a little effort into them, care about them, and maybe share some of your talents with them. Sometimes the smallest things that we do for others means so much more for them. "Is it hard to Love?"
I know that as we choose to love others and as we put effort into them, our lives will be blessed more than we think. we become more humble and can feel pure joy.
5...Seguirei; March 3, 2025; 1st Assistant to the President, Brasil Curitiba Mission
Welp another week has passed and lets get into this one. Tuesday: Uberaba We went to Uberaba with Elder Reid and Elder Soto, well we actua...
CHAMA! What's good y'all? Welcome back to another email from Elder Hyatt! Man these past weeks have been so crazy!!!! I gotta tell...
Welp it's that time again…transfers. I'm staying here in Tamandaré, but it's interesting what's gonna happen. My companion...
Hello all! I'm happy to inform you that another transfer has flown by and again I had to pack my bags and leave. It was sad to leave su...