Thursday, June 22, 2023

The Old Timers; Mission Week 11; Area 31 de Marco, Ponta Grossa, Brasil

 This week was actually a pretty fast week. I mean almost every week feels fast to me, but this one kinda flew by.

You are probably wondering why I titled this email 'The Old-timers', well we stay in an apartment with 3 levels and we are on level 2. Anyway, below us lives two old ladies who are constantly saying that we are making so much noise. We aren't even home the whole day, but they keep complaining about us. We understand that some of the noise is us scooting our chairs, but there are people living above us and we don't hear them...except for the chairs. So yeah, I really only put that title because nothing else really fit for the week. 

Tuesday as we were walking through the field to the Invasão a 24 year old man yelled out to us, so we walked over and began to talk with him. We found out that João was baptized already way back in 2009 and that he wants to go back to church after all these years. He wears an ankle monitor because apparently he robbed some places and did quite a few drugs, but as we got to know him more we learned that his desire is actually very sincere. He is trying to be clean of everything and says that he wants to return to church because he knows that going to church can bring about blessings. So we are working with him right now trying to help him in the ways that we can and strengthen his desire to return back to church.

Also, Tuesday I burned my finger making Arrepas and accidently broke a plate by bumping it off the table, so yeah, oops.

Thursday I was briefly reuited with my MTC companion Elder Cutler. I say brief because we were going to do divisons with Elder Cutler and Elder Johnston, and I went with Elder Johnston. For those who know/understand Elder Johnston is considered my Mission Grandpa because he trained my current companion Elder Blackburn who is training me. Yes, I know it's strange, but anyhow. Elder Johnston and I worked in Jardim Florença and ended in the Invasão. During that division a blessing came for us. Ariene (13 year old girl) and Yon (12 year old boy) have been going to church for the last 6 weeks, but Yon's mother/Ariene's sister told them and us that they have to know that they are ready and they have to tell her. Well, when Elder Johnston and I went and visited them we left a very special message about baptism and temples; afterwards Yon exclaimed that he wanted to be baptized and Ariene agreed. And just like that all three kids who I played soccer with my second week here got baptized! I was able to baptise them that Saturday and everyone was so happy for them.

That basically sums up the week. Today I made rice and chicken hearts for us to eat, so that was a great and fulfilling lunch. Other than that not much else happened.

1. Me and Elder Johnston walking through the field from the Invasão.
2. The baptism with Ariene and Yon
3. Here is a big frog we found
4. Us cleaning a driveway for the Bispo of 31
5. Chicken hearts and Rice

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5...Seguirei; March 3, 2025; 1st Assistant to the President, Brasil Curitiba Mission

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