Sunday, December 10, 2023

Miracles yesterday, today, tomorrow; Mission Week 34 and 35; Area: Dalcol; Ponta Grossa, PR, Brasil

 Bom Rapaziada? Tranquilo como um esquilo nadando em um rio?

(Ya Good Guys? Tranquil like a squirrel swimming in a river?)

Welcome to another week of the day and the life of Elder Hyatt. Last week was my last week of my 5th Transfer which puts me at 8 months on the mission as of today. I honestly am shocked it's been 8 months already. Man time really does fly when you forget yourself and go to work. I have had many great experiences in these past two weeks and an entire update in my mentality, so let's talk about it.

Past Two Weeks
To get started, last week was kinda not the greatest week for us. I don't know what happened, but yeah it was a little rough. I mean it wasn't, but looking back on it now it seems like it was a tougher week. I did have great experiences our ward put on a talent show and I participated in that and played two songs that I wrote. Then we also had our friend Daniel get baptized. It was a crazy lead up to the baptism, but it ended up going well so that's what really counts right. Also went back to Jardim Florença again, I guess I can't seem to fully leave my first area hahaha. The the great and marvelous Cristiano (our personal batman kinda) helped us out quite a bit. I'll talk more about him later. Lastly, our neighbors Kratos and his family moved to a new neighborhood. We got to help, but it was a little sad because they always made us a little something to eat every now and then. That was basically last week err two weeks ago whoops.

This week has been better. Started off by having transfers on Monday and yeah we are still in the same place. We left a few times this week with Luis Thiago to visit a boat load of people. Luis Thiago was a member since he was a little kid, but basically stopped going to church after wards. In our first few weeks we would pass by his house occasionally and talk to him and his mom. Now he has returned back to Church, stopped doing a lot of bad stuff, and is preparing to go serve a mission. He received the Priesthood Sunday and is preparing to baptize his sister and his cousin. Pretty cool right? 
Then of course Thanksgiving…which was just a normal day because they don't celebrate it here. For dinner we had fried chicken that Luis Thiago made us and we put it on bread and we ate that. Yep it actually wasn't a bad Thanksgiving, but not like how it normally is at home. We were able to call our parents and I looked and the table and saw all of the great food…I do miss a good turkey. We then did splits with Elder D. Cutler and Elder Speirs. I went with Elder D. Cutler my old companion and we had a great day visiting people and just relaxing. I realized I've been so tense that I haven't even been giving myself a chance to fully relax. It kinda sucks because I have never felt that way before. I was not the happiest the past two weeks if I'm being completely honest, but that all changed Saturday when I don't know what hit me but I felt amazing and full of energy. It was great. Maybe it's because I've ended up changing my mindset again…and probably because my companion challenged me to do 100 push-ups and now I do 100 everyday. Who knows what actually happened, but since then I've felt great and confident and ready to take on anything! It's funny how that kinda just happens.

Random stuff
-I've worn the same pair of shoes for the past 8 months… they are completely smooth on the bottom and have holes in the soles and somehow I have holes in the leather…probably from all the defending from dogs we do hahaha.
-Turns out it's pretty easy to do 100 push-ups everyday
-It's Summer and rainy and we are wearing sweaters and it's chilly… the only other place it does this is Missouri
-Met an opera singer who can speak 5 languages and sang with Andrea Bocelli (don't know how to spell the guys name)
-Turns out you can do anything you put your mind to
-Learning a new language is hard but not impossible...
-Sometimes you just wear a poncho because you can
-Try before you deny and after you fail try again until you win

The Batman: Cristiano
Cristiano is the greatest man alive and I know that's strong words, but just trust me. I've known Cris for about 8 months now and let me tell you he is a dedicated man and a man of miracles. He has a miracle that happens everyday and its because he is always looking for one. He says that the Lord is always doing miracles for and through us. We just need to actually learn to notice them. I started focusing on that and you really don't realize how many miracles appear. We have had so many great and many things that an email wouldn't cover it all. Now why is he The Batman? Because you call and he arrives and does anything and everything for you. He drives a Black car and can appear out of no where to assist. He is big and strong and saves many missionaries from situations like arriving late at home, or transferring to a new area, or just helping out in the area. He is just awesome and every time I talk with him I'm inspired to do better.

Speaking about miracles I'd like to talk about them briefly. Miracles don't have to be something big or grand. They can small things that happen or occur that benefits you or another person. I have seen great and many miracles here on the mission.

One of which is a woman we are teaching, her name is Rute. She lost her husband a year ago and has been struggling with a few things recently. One day she was at a lake here in Ponta Grossa when two Elders walked up and began talking with her. She was very impressed by what they said about life after death because she explained that she isn't super religious but she doesn't like going to the internet to get answers, so she studied the Bible. During her study she formed her own concept of what would happen and this hope that she would see her husband again. As it turns out she formulated exactly what we believe and the Elders explained that to her. They then passed it over to us as a reference because she lives in our area. When we went to go talk to her she brought us in and then proceeded to talk about all the miracles that occurred in her life after talking with the other Elders. At the end of our conversation Elder Cutler invited her to come to church with us and she said, “I had a dream that I was sitting in a pew in a beautiful white church with my Mom (who also passed away) telling me to stay awhile longer, and then I saw him (pointing to Elder Cutler) with his hand outstretched inviting me to go.” It was a miracle. She went to church and found her best friend Irmã Adriane Valentim and loved the feeling and everything so much. She made us cake this last time we passed and she had a ton of questions, but we were able to answer them all. It was another miracle that that morning I studied all the scriptures that I would need to help her. It was awesome. 

Now why do I tell this story…because miracles still happen and sometimes they aren't grand. It is often the smallest and simplest thing that makes the greatest difference and sometimes that is also a gift from God. Be aware of the miracles that have been happening around you, and I invite you all for the rest of this week to focus on all the miracles that happen everyday. Find at least one miracle a day and write it down. Afterwards, I want you to look back at all the things you have written and realize how many miracles God has given you, is giving you, and will give you. God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow and will be eternally. Open your eyes and you will see all the miracles that he has in store for you. He wants to bless you. He wants to help you. Let him, and when you are done thank Him.

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