Sunday, September 8, 2024

Tongue Tied in my Native Tongue; Mission Weeks 72-73?; Area: Guaraituba, Boa Vista Zone

 Hello everyone! Welcome back to another email from Elder Hyatt, let's jump into it because a lot and not a lot has happened these past few weeks.

“Wait, you're American?”

Well I was greatly surprised when two weeks ago I ran into some Americans. Well I do need to correct myself, two americans and a boy who lived in America named Gabriel. The two Americans, to my surprise, were the sons of President Bikman, my mission president. You can imagine the fun shock that I had when I realized that, however, that didn't stop my missionary senses because their friend is investigating the church. So of course I wanted to know what his thoughts were, and it was at that moment that I learned that Gabriel, the 15 year old boy, had more knowledge and intelligence than me. Taken aback at first I wanted to get to know him first and get a basic understanding on what he believes. As the conversation progressed I discovered that he doesn't truly believe in God. Elder Peabody and I began to teach a little about God and his plan for us. Gabriel was asking questions and was actually interested, but when the conversation ended we thought that was it…we were wrong. The next day I got a message from Sister Bikman relating that Gabriel really enjoyed getting to know Elder Peabody and I. I was happy to respond and tell her it was a great honor and privilege to have met and taught Gabriel. Then came my surprise when I was sent the phone number of Gabriel’s mom and told by Sister Bikman that the family wanted Elder Peabody and I to teach them more. That message was immediately followed by a message from President Bikman saying that we would be teaching this family and could mark any day and time to do so. After that shock we sent a message to Gabriel’s Mom and marked to pass by Wednesday. When Wednesday rolled around we got an Uber to their house, or should I say gated community. When we got to the gate we could see through the fence to some of the nicest houses I have ever seen. We walked in and began walking down the road of two to three story houses until we finally arrived at the beautiful home of Gabriel. I can't describe perfectly how it looked, but I can for sure say it was one of the nicest houses I've seen in my life. We met Gabriel’s mom Juliana and his younger brother Noah and we had an American Egg, bacon, and waffle breakfast for dinner. We taught them after the food and returned home. We returned to their home on Saturday where we were greeted by a surprise that had my heart shoot up into my mouth for a second. The person who opened the door for us this time was Sister Bikman. Obviously we weren't expecting that, but that didn't stop us from making pizzas with the two families and then giving a wonderful lesson about who Jesus Christ is. Then Sister Bikman gave us a ride home because it was getting pretty late. It's been a great experience and very strange and challenging to talk and speak in English. Never thought I'd be struggling with my own native tongue. I'll keep y'all updated on this wonderful family.


Alessandro finally got baptized! I don't remember if I already talked about him, but he is an amazing guy. Found him about 2-3 months ago when I first got into this area. Back then he struggled to go to church, he struggled with smoking and drinking, and just wasn't happy. Well finally, after working with him, praying with him, and playing soccer with him, Alessandro was baptized and confirmed a member of The Church of Jesus Christ! It was such a great moment for him because his mom also went to church for the first time and loved it. At the end of the day on Sunday we also had a family home evening at Alessandro’s house with his whole family and some members of the ward. It was such a fun and laugh-filled experience. We all had a great time and we are so proud of Alessandro. Our goal is to send him on a mission as well, so let's get going!!

Fun Things That Happened:
- My companion Elder Gonzalez got bit by a pit bull
- Uber keeps stealing my pictures and pamphlets of Jesus Christ…I guess they've been needing it
- I passed out in a lesson
- A teen showed me a judo takedown and knocked me to my butt
- Tereré Erva Black is amazing

Pictures finally!

5...Seguirei; March 3, 2025; 1st Assistant to the President, Brasil Curitiba Mission

  Welp another week has passed and lets get into this one. Tuesday: Uberaba We went to Uberaba with Elder Reid and Elder Soto, well we actua...